Loyalty for Love

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About the game
Platform: Mobile (Android, iOS)
Genre: Romance
Developer: Genius Inc
Seasons: 1
Language: English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish!
Character list
He is the calm and collected butler who always follows the rules. Will you be able to get him to loosen up?
Bullet can be narcissistic, but he understands you. He did not grow up among the elite either. Will he be able to provide you with a sense of security even as everything else in your life is rapidly changing?
Zachary comes from a generation of butlers. This job is all he knows, making him a bit oblivious to the rest of the world. Will you be able to show him the wonders that the outside world has to offer?
Nigel is the personal butler of your rival, Kendra. Most days, he regards you as an enemy and acts coldly towards you, but, when the situation calls for it, he might just become your savior...
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