News in Ikemen Sengoku: Yukimura's Eternal Route is coming out soon

News in Ikemen Sengoku: Yukimura's Eternal Route is coming out soon
News in Ikemen Sengoku: Yukimura's Eternal Route is coming out soon

Hi everyone!

Today I have good news: "Yukimura's Eternal Route is coming out soon". His Preview Page has gone live, so open up the game to check it out now!

Read Yukimura's route and cleared both his Romantic and Dramatic Ending! In addition, if you've already cleared both his endings in the past, you will be able to select his Eternal Ending immediately after reading Chapters 1 through 10

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Comments on «News in Ikemen Sengoku: Yukimura's Eternal Route is coming out soon»

Hi, I have a question and am hoping someone can help me out. With Yukimura's eternal coming out soon, can I start on his route now and by the time I get to chapter 10, will the eternal route be there for me to select it, or do I have to start his route after his eternal route is out? For reference, I've already finished both his Romantic and Dramatic routes. I'm currently on Kenyo's route but don't mind switching routes whenever.



I don't know for sure, but one can assume that we can get to chapter 10, wait until the eternal route comes, and continue the game.

When was Masamune's eternal route coming out, I wanna check it but forget TT


Same... I forgot to check to see if that would work when Masamune's eternal route came out :( But thanks for your reply! I'll just try that out and see if I can still select Yuki's eternal route. Crossing my fingers!

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