Once Upon a Time Story Event in Ikemen Revolution

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Hi everyone!
The story event "Once Upon a Time" in the Ikemen Revolution (ikerev) started today.
The main Event Theme: "You're my one and only princess. I love you so much". Discover the magic of true love's kiss in this fairy tale Story Event!
My Friend Code: P9AEJRXVY
The Event stars
The Stars: Lancelot Kingsley (King Of Hearts), Jonah Clemence (Queen Of Hearts), Sirius Oswald (Queen of Spades), Fenrir Godspeed (Ace of Spades).
Let's look at each route:
Lancelot's Route
A king from another country wants to set up his daughter with Lancelot?!
"As long as you want to stay with me, I have no intention of ever letting you go"
Even though you are both from different worlds, will your love prevail?
Fenrir's Route
Fenrir recommends to you that you enter the Miss Crade Contest.
"I love you, Princess"
Is Fenrir the prince to your Snow White?
Sirius's Route
It seems as though you've become little red riding hood, and Sirius is the big bad wolf?!
"The truth of the matters is, I always find myself wanting to eat you up"
Jonah's Route
You feel like Cinderella at a special ball with Jonah.
"I'm casting the finest magic spell on you,
An enchanted night with your prince is about to begin...
Event Date
Until 31.03.2022 at 04:00 am
Event Clock
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- 00:00 am Month 00, 0000
- 00:00 Month 00, 0000
- 00/00/0000 00:00 am
- 00/00/0000 00:00
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