Abnormal State Walkthrough
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Abnormal State - Reinhart Kline, Calix Rio Hernandez and Jaden Floyd - Walkthrough
Little note: Collect Hearts every day by mail and by timer: free and for ads. After you get ~300 Hearts go to the Main screen -> click "Custom" (on top) -> select the Character you want and tap on a outfit with the green arrow. By following these tips you can obtain about 20% Likability, that's all.
Links to personal walkthrough:
Episode 1
- Wh. where is this?!
- Wh, who are you? (Jaden -10)
- My lady? Did you call me my lady?
- Th, the mansion? -> Ch.3.2.1
- Fever, setting?
- Where is this place?
- Oh, I think I understand it a little
- There's still something I don't understand -> Ch.4.1:
- Who are you?
- Who am I?
- I know
- I don't know, tell me
- The true male character?
- Share love...?
- Death? Like, really dying?
Episode 2
- A person who dreams of true love (12 Hearts, Reinhart +10) -> Ch.3b
- A person who puts me first (12 Hearts, Calix +10) -> Ch.3a
- A person who overcomes adversity together (12 Hearts, Jaden +20) -> Ch.3c
- Where would the answer be, I'm just choosing -> Ch.4
- I'd like to hear more (15 Hearts) -> Ch.3.2
- No, I don't want to know -> Ch.4
- A person who dreams of true love (Reinhart +10) -> Ch.4
- A person who puts me first (Calix +10) -> Ch.4
- A person who overcomes adversity together (Jaden +20) -> Ch.4
- Come to think of it, there's no attractive -> Ch.4
- Do I have any special traits? (13 Hearts)
- Isn't there a set story flow? (13 Hearts)
- ...Well, there wouldn't be anything special -> Jaden's Ending "Sorry, I'm not crazy"
- Hey, let go of this!
- Who... who are you? (img) -> ep.3
- ...Okay, let's go together (19 Hearts, Jaden +10)
- For now, a bit... (Jaden -10)
- Was I an important person? (48 Hearts, Jaden +20)
- ...What could have happened
Episode 3
- Let's do something that allows meeting people (18 Hearts) -> ch.1.1
- Let's do something where we can gather information (9 Hearts) -> Ch.2
- ...I don't know what to do -> Ch.2
- Let's directly organize a social gathering! (Reinhart +10 or Calix +10 or Jaden +10) -> Ch.1.2
- Let's attend a social gathering! -> Ch.2
- You must have had a hard time coming from far away (Reinhart +10) -> Ch.1.3
- Thank you for always coming (Jaden +10) -> Ch.1.3
- So, are you disappointed? (Reinhart -10, Jaden -10) -> Ch.1.4
- On the contrary, I like it (8 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.1.4
- ...What do you mean by that? (Reinhart -5) -> Ch.1.5
- Because I lost my memory (23 Hearts) -> Ch.1.4.1
- Reinhart, what was our relatinship? (Reinhart +10) -> Ch.1.5
- Jaden. what kind of person was I? (Jaden +10) -> Ch.1.5
- I want to know what my personality was like (Reinhart -5) -> Ch.1.6
- I want to know about my friend relationships -> Ch.1.6
- I want to know if I have a lover -> Ch.1.6
- Jaden, aren't you interested in such things? (27 Hearts, Jaden +10) (img) -> Ch.1.7
- Why, don't you like it? -> Ch.1.7
- I want to be involved with just one person now (27 Hearts, Reinhart +10) (img) -> Ch.1.7
- ...Am I making you uncomfortable? -> Ch.1.8
- I still have something to say (13 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.1.8
- Jaden, do you also like me? (22 Hearts, Jaden +10) -> ep.4
- What do you want me to do? -> ep.4
- I'll have a good talk with Reinhart (22 Hearts, Reinhart +10) -> ep.4
- Do I have a betrothed? (Calix +5) -> Ch.2.1
- Aren't you my betrothed? -> Ch.2.2
- Rumors? What were they about? -> ep.4
- What happened? -> ep.4
- Just five more minutes... just five for minutes -> ep.4
- Ugh... ten more minutes... -> ep.4
- Ah... don't wake me up... -> ep.4 ch.2
Episode 4
- Where is that, I want to go home!
- If, if it has come to this... I have to go! (21 Hearts) -> ch.3
- ...Can't be helped, let's go to the palace (21 Hearts) -> ch.3
- I don't care, I'm going back (Calix -10) -> ep.5
- To find out what he thinks of me (8 Hearts, Calix +5)
- To understand what kind of person he likes
- Make him my prisoner (8 Hearts, Calix +5)
- Thanks to your majesty, it was comfortable
- The weather was nice so it was comfortable
- That's understandable (Calix -10)
- Since I lost my memory... (Calix -10)
- I just wanted to meet Your Majesty (23 Hearts, Calix +10) -> ch. 6.1
- I also need connections, so I want to get close (Calix -10)
- I want to be introduced if there is a good person (Calix -10)
- Yes, I want to try again (19 Hearts, Calix +10) -> ch. 6.2
- I just want your body (img) (35 Hearts, Calix +10) -> ch. 6.2
- No? It was a joke (Calix -10) -> Ch.8
- Please kiss me (img) (49 Hearts, Calix +20) -> Ch.9
- I don't particularly want anything (Calix -5) -> Ch.8
- ...What? What does he want me to do?
- This isn't right...
- Yes, I will try again (29 Hearts) -> Ch.6
- No, I will end the event
- First, let's find out who she is
- Annoyed? Let's dig right in
Episode 5
- Why are you waking me up so early...
- What's the matter...
- Likes me (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5)
- Contrary to his looks, he's kind
- I don't think he could reject me
- Right now
- Let's set a date -> ch.3.1
- Yes, I will go back (29 Hearts) -> Ch.3
- No, I have no regrets -> Reinhart's Ending "Humans must be diligent"
- Shall we talk about Reinhart? (27 Hearts, Reinhart +10)
- Do you know anything about Calix? (27 Hearts, Calix +10)
- Should I ask about Jaden? (27 Hearts, Jaden +10)
- ...I can't really think of conversation topic
- Please warm them by holding my hand (15 Hearts, Reinhart +10)
- Please prepare some warm tea
- Wow, I thought I was going to die coming here?
- Should I offer him some alcohol? -> Ch.7
- Should we have some alcohol? -> Ch.6.1
- Hold me a little more (15 Hearts, Reinhart +10) -> Ch.6.2
- Would you like another drink? -> Ch.6.2
- I want to be with Reinhart
- Because I want you (img) (51 Hearts, Reinhart +20) -> ep.6
- ...Because it's fun (Reinhart -10) -> ep.6
- ...Isn't there a way to make him drink? (img) (29 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> ep.6
- Huh? This brat keeps... (19 Hearts) -> Ch.6.1
- Yes, that's a good point -> ep.6
Episode 6
- Wow, it's my idea but a good one (Reinhart +5)
- Is it too much? But... (Reinhart +5)
- Wow, so are you jealous? (9 Hearts, Reinhart +5)
- ...That's not necessarily wrong (Reinhart -5)
- I came on a date with Reinhart (13 Hearts, Reinhart +5)
- I came out to meet Jaden (13 Hearts, Jaden +5)
- I was just shopping for a dress
- Are you perhaps regretful? (12 Hearts, Jaden +5)
- Yes, it seems like a good choice (12 Hearts, Reinhart +5)
- Well, it's nothing special!
- Jaden, do you want to go together? (Jaden +10, Reinhart -5) -> Ch.6.1
- Can I go with Reinhart now? (Reinhart +10, Jaden -5) -> Ch.6.2
- If it's uncomfortable, I'll stop this kind of conversation -> ep.7
- You seem to have a negative view of love (21 Hearts) -> Ch.6.1.1
- Have you been in a sad love? (36 Hearts, Jaden +10) -> Ch.6.1.2
- ...Have you ever... liked a man? -> ep.7
- Jaden, there's no one who should not love (49 Hearts, Jaden +20) (img) -> ep.7
- You must be very sad, Jaden (25 Hearts, Jaden +5) -> ep.7
- I'm a bit disapointed because it was an unexpected answer (Jaden -10) -> ep.7
- Should I pick the dress that Reinhart likes? (19 Heart, Reinhart +5)
- The most popular one is safe~ -> Ch.6.2.1
- Hip and... hip and... I want to wear something hip -> Ch.6.2.1
- Wouldn't it be fun if we wore them reversed? -> Ch.6.2.2
- Would you like to put it on, Reinhart? (Reinhart +5) -> Ch.6.2.2
- Should I not put it on, but take it off instead? -> Ch.6.2.2
- I like the dress with frills (lock) (Reinhart +5) -> Ch.6.2.3
- I like the green one more -> Ch.6.2.3
- I don't like anything here -> Ch.6.2.3
- Should I try to keep the conversation going? (21 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.6.2.4
- …It seems there's not much to do… -> ep.7
- Because I want to receive your rose (img) (36 Hearts, Reinhart +20) -> ep.7
- It means nothing (Reinhart -10) -> ep.7
Episode 7
- It's an important day
- Of course, it was boring
- What's happening today?
- Don't say anything and get out
- I have to take good care of Reinhart (33 Hearts, Reinhart +10) -> ch.3.1a
- Let's talk to Calix (33 Hearts, Calix +10) -> ch.3.1b
- Should I go ahead to Jaden (33 Hearts, Jaden +10) -> ch.3.1c
- Stay still, stay still -> ch.4
- I'm going to go to Jaden (13 Hearts, ?)
- I'm thinking about going to Calix (13 Hearts, ?)
- No, I like you (13 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.4
- Well, I have no particular thoughts -> Ch.4
- Yes, I am Reinhart's partner (19 Hearts, Reinhart +10) -> Ch.4
- ...Shall I say that I could also be Calix's parther? (19 Hearts, Calix +10) -> Ch.4
- Both... of... you... why are you doing this? -> Ch.4
- I could have been a partner with Jaden (19 Hearts, Jaden +10)
- As expected, my partner's clothes are pretty (19 Hearts, ?)
- Both... What are they saying? I'm the prettiest (Reinhar -5, Jaden -5) -> Ch.4
- Let's look to the left!
- Let's go to the right!
- They'll be somewhere inconspicuous (img) (23 Hearts) (lock) (select Reinhart's answers)
- Let's go under the rose bush (img) (23 Hearts) (lock) (select Calix's answers)
- There definitely won't be people there (img) (23 Hearts) (lock) (select Jaden's answers)
- I, I don't know~~~!! -> ep.8
Episode 8
- That's the thing, my mood is a bit odd... (9 Hearts)
- There's nothing wrong, I'm okay
- I have to go out right now! (25 Hearts) -> Ch.5
- ...But I don't want to go -> Ch.3
- I don't feel like going because my feelings are complicated -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- I don't think anything special will happen even if I go... -> ch.4
- Because I'm not interested in Calix? -> ch.3.1
- Of course, Reinhart (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- I'm a bit worried about Jaden (11 Hearts, Jaden +5) -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- You! You, you! -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- No one (Calix -10, Reinhart -10, Jaden -10) -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- ...Okay, I'll go now (23 Hearts)
- Even if you do that, I won't go, so don't -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- Then you're going to? (Calix -10)
- If you say you won't, I'll trust you (11 Hearts, Calix +5)
- I don't know! I don't know! (Calix -10)
- Could it, could it be that? That? (11 Hearts, Calix +5)
- Of course... me?
- Um... you? (11 Hearts, Calix +5)
- Fiancé with Calix? Sounds like a good idea (33 Hearts, Calix +20) -> ch.9
- It's seems like a good, calculated move (11 Hearts) -> ch.9
- I don't even want to pretend! It sounds terrible -> Calix's Ending "Sometimes, you need to be bold"
- ...Why does it have to be me? (Calix +5) -> ch.10
- How do I pretend to be a fiance? -> ch.10
- What kind of reward will you give? (Calix -5) -> ch.10
- What kind of rumors? -> ch.11
- Oh, I don't care about rumors -> ch.11
- Why does he keep bringing it up? (Calix +10) -> ch.12
- Does he dislike the men in his memory? (Calix +10) -> ch.12
- If it's about the past, I want to stop talking about it (Calix -10) -> ep. 9
- ...But I have something (21 Hearts) -> Ch.13
- Uh, I don't have anything either -> ep. 9
- I'll show you directly (49 Hearts, Calix +30) -> ep. 9
- If you can't believe it, don't (Calix -10) -> ep. 9
Episode 9
- Did I not share enough love? (lock) -> Ch.2
- Could it be, none of the three are the answer? (Jaden -10) -> Ch.2
- Should I wear it happily? (11 Hearts, Calix +5) -> Ch.3
- I don't want to look like a loving couple (Calix -10) -> Ch.2.1
- Ah, I should wear it since he gave it (Calix -10) -> Ch.3
- Something that matches Reinhart... (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.3
- Or design similar to Jaden... (11 Hearts, Jaden +5) -> Ch.3
- With clothes that can make me stand out... -> Ch.3
- I think it's Reinhart (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.4
- It might be Calix (11 Hearts, Calix +5) -> Ch.4
- It will be Jaden (11 Hearts, Jaden +5) -> Ch.4
- I'm still not sure -> Ch.4
- The knight who protects the show window fiance (11 Hearts, Jaden +5 and Calix +5) -> Ch.5
- Of course, my fiance, right? (11 Hearts, Calix +5 and Calix +5) -> Ch.5
- A man who's better than a fiance because he's a secret crush (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5 and Calix +5) -> Ch.5
- Well, up to that point... (Calix +5) -> Ch.5
- Of course, I'll be by your side (13 Hearts, Calix +10) -> Ch.7
- Wow, I don't know. I'm going to walk around (Calix -20) -> Ch.6
- I want to talk to Reinhart (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.7
- It would be nice to meet Jaden (11 Hearts, Jaden +5) -> Ch.7
- Oh, is it not allowed to say who I want to meet? -> Ch.7
- You mean that handsome guy over there? (Calix -5) -> Ch.8
- Ah, the veiled person over there? (img) -> Ch.8
- We've been close since a long time ago...-> Ch.9
- I answered, I've had a long-standing crush (11 Hearts, Calix +5)-> Ch.9
- Ah, Calix! Answer for me -> Ch.9
- It's just a name... I can tell you (Calix -10) -> Ch.10
- Uh-uh, his intentions seem rude -> Ch.10
- Yes, it's not an engagement, but I like His Majesty (13 Hearts, Calix +10) -> ep.10
- Yes. But there's someone I love (13 Hearts) -> Ch.11
- ...No! I am engaged to His Majesty -> ep.10
- A brusque knight protecting the North (Reinhart +10) -> ep.10
- A warm-hearted knight guarding the capital (Jaden +10) -> ep.10
- ...You're a stranger -> ep.10
Episode 10
- [..es] -> Ch.2
- [..o] -> Ch.2
- Give ... as the price -> Ch.3
- Give .. as the price -> Ch.3
- It's not bad -> Ch.4
- Wow, it's not a good situation -> Ch.4
- Could it be Reinhart who came? (25 Hearts, Reinhart +30) -> Ch.4.3
- Did Jaden come? (25 Hearts, Jaden +30) -> Ch.4.2
- Did Calix come all the way here? (25 Hearts, Calix +30) -> Ch.4.1
- ...Let's not expect anything -> ep.11
- Did you really think I'm the worst? (Calix +10) -> ep.11
- Then why do you insist on coming here and doing this? (img) -> ep.11
- Calix and I are not in such a re;ationship, so don't worry (13 Hearts, Jaden +10) (img) -> ep.11
- ...There's no need to be that upset -> ep.11
- I have nothing to do with him, so don't worry (13 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Ch.4.3.1
- ...Well, it's over so it's fine ()
- Ah, I have accepted your apology ()
- There is no need for oyu to feel sorry, Reinhart (11 Hearts, Reinhart +5) (img) -> ep.11
Episode 11
- As always, Reinhart (19 Hearts, Reinhart +10) -> Ch.2
- I'm going to choose Calix (19 Hearts, Calix +10) -> Ch.2
- If it's the last... It would be Jaden (19 Hearts, Jaden +10) -> Ch.2
- The situation will dictate -> Ch.2
- Is it Reinhart...? (lock) -> Ch.2.3
- Jaden...? (lock) -> Ch.2.2
- Could it be, Calix...? (lock) -> Ch.2.1
- There's no one I can expect... -> Ending "A shiny solo"
- ...Let's quickly kiss and get this over with
- No, I don't want to do that (Calix +20) -> Calix's Ending "Lost faith" or "Heart on the Palm of the Hand"
- Stop asking weird questions and get lost! ()
- ...Jaden is important to me (19 Hearts, Jaden +25) -> Jaden's Ending "Truth and desire"
- To Reinhart (13 Hearts, Reinhart +5) -> Reinhart's Ending "Spring in the North"
- To home ()
Jaden's Ending
- Sorry, I'm not crazy - Ep. 2
- - Ep. 11 (~75% Affection)
- Truth and desire - Ep. 11 (100% Affection)
Reinhart's Ending
- Humans must be diligent - Ep. 5
- Spring in the North - Ep. 11 (100% Affection)
- - Ep. 11 (~75% Affection)
Calix's Ending
- Sometimes, you need to be bold Ep. 8
- Heart on the Palm of the Hand - Ep. 11 (100% Affection)
- Lost faith - Ep. 11 (~75% Affection)
Thank you for reading «Abnormal State Walkthrough» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
Hii am i have to get the clothes so i can get another ending? I've playing this 3× and get the same ending some people say i need to get the clothes..
Yup, you need all character outfits (with affection points) + you need to select right answers for all endings. For now I almost complete all routes and create a lot of screenshots, so I need couple of days to summorise all info and complete this walkthrough ^^
I can send you on a email a note when I complete the guide if you want (o゚v゚)ノ