Walkthrough Ikemen Revolution: Blanc Lapin (White Rabbit)
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Ikemen Revolution Blanc Lapin Walkthrough
Invite Code (Android): P9AEJRXVY
ENG Route – will not be released.
Message in the game: "...starting from January 12th PST, the English version of Ikemen Revolution will also no longer be updating with new events or campaigns."
About Blanc Lapin
«I do enjoy a woman's company. They're like the sweet frosting on top a cake.» - Blanc Lapin, Ikemen Revolution
Wonderland's record keeper stands neutral between Red and Black, Sometimes called "White Rabbit", he's known for being both a gracious gentleman and lady-killer. Besides a bad habit of losing his glasses, little else is known about him--although it seems he may be caught up in a wicked spell.
Carefree & A Casanova Blanc Lapin (White Rabbit), Ikemen Revolution (full walkthrough)
Birthday: September 10th
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Blood Type: O
Voice: Yusuke Shirai
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