Walkthrough Sleepless Cinderella PARTY: Noel Aijima

Walkthrough Sleepless Cinderella PARTY: Noel Aijima
Walkthrough Sleepless Cinderella PARTY: Noel Aijima

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Noel Aijima, Sleepless Cinderella PARTY (full walkthrough)

Episode 1

[1] Pretend to be asleep.
[2] Jump out of bed.
[3] Try to keep cool.

[1] Search for Yuzuki Kitaoji.
[2] Search for Ryoichi Hirose.
[3] Search for Mirai Kageyama

Episode 2

[1] No, I'm by myself.
[2] This is my first time here.
[3] I'll just be leaving

[1] Do you have any hobbies?
[2] What's your favorite food?
[3] Who's your favorite actor?

Episode 3

[1] Walk around the main floor.
[2] Get something to eat.
[3] Check my cell phone.

[1] Push his handoff.
[2] Give him a warning.
[3] Casually step away from him.

Episode 4

[1] Try to push your way to the front
[2] Distract the other reporters.
[3] Yell your question.

[1] Apologize.
[2] Don't make eye contact.
[3] Stare right at him.

Episode 5

[1] His racing uniform.
[2] A suit.
[3] In the nude.

[1] I just laugh it off.
[2] I get offended and deny it.
[3] I play along with her joke.

Episode 6

[1] Give him a cough drop.
[2] Give him a lollipop.
[3] Give him a soft candy.

[1] Slap his handoff.
[2] Ignore him.
[3] Yell out loud.

Episode 7

[1] A high-class hotel.
[2] A business hotel.
[3] A bed and breakfast.

[1] Unflavored milk
[2] Fruit milk
[3] Coffee flavored milk

Episode 8

[1] Give it to Noel.
[2] Put it back in his jacket.
[3] Give it to the manager.

[1] Working out 
[2] Hanging out at home.
[3] Hanging out at the casino

Episode 9

[1] I read the instruction manual.
[2] I play around with it.
[3] I turn up the volume.

[1] Aijima
[2] Mr. Noel
[3] Noel

Episode 10

[1] White lilies
[2] Gentians
[3] Carnations

[1] Stick up for Mr. Harrison.
[2] Watch both of them.
[3] Try to persuade Noel.

Episode 11

[1] Eat a bunch of sweets
[2] Go get a massage
[3] Go to the casino

[1] Choose the foie gras steak
[2] Choose the cake
[3] Choose the truffle pasta

Episode 12

[1] Tell him what happened.
[2] Joke around.
[3] Talk about it.

[1] Laugh it off.
[2] Tell him he's right, looking very serious
[3] Deny it.

Episode 13

[1] Call Noel's manager.
[2] Call Mirai.
[3] Call Satsuki.

[1] It's just like she says.
[2] Everyone's worried about you.
[3] I'm on your side, Noel.

Episode 14

[1] Act like everyone else.
[2] Make yourself unnoticeable.
[3] Pretend not to have seen anything.

[1] Ryoichi Hirose.
[2] Yuzuki Kitaoji.
[3] Chuhaya Koda.


Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Sleepless Cinderella PARTY: Noel Aijima» on my website.

I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~

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