Tokugawa IeyasuIkemen Sengoku. Ambitious & Cheeky

Tokugawa Ieyasu
Tokugawa Ieyasu


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Tokugawa Ieyasu's Birthday

January 31 🎉🎉🎉

About Tokugawa Ieyasu

Ikemen Sengoku. Ambitious & Cheeky

Affiliation: Oda Forces
Height: 5'7'' (174.1 cm)
Blood Type: A
Eye color: Jade green

Voice: Toshiki Masuda


Act 1:

An ambitious warrior who has formed an alliance with Nobunaga. He is determined and competitive and has no time for anyone he deems as weak. Behind his obstinate attitude a tragic past.

«Do as you have. I have no interest in weakings like you!» - Ieyasu Tokugawa

Act 2:

The battle against Kennyo comes to a close, thanks to the cooperative efforts of the Uesugi-Takeda forces. With this, the belief that Ieyasu's dream of making a world where everyone can smile has come just one more step closer.

This love would pave the way to a glorious future- Or so you though, until a destiny too big to ignore comes to test your love.

«It was you who wished for my happiness. Not anyone else» - Ieyasu Tokugawa, Ikemen Sengoku

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