Cantrips of Courtship Story Event in Court of Darkness

Cantrips of Courtship Story Event in Court of Darkness
Cantrips of Courtship Story Event in Court of Darkness


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Hi everyone!

Today was starting the"Cantrips of Courtship" story event in Court of Darkness (CoD)!

The main Event Theme: In the season of romance, me heart beasts quicker. Is it the colorful festival's doing? Or because you are at my side? Rumors carry on the breeze. Truth? Lies? Tricks of the wind? I believe we are fated to be, even if magic makes it so. "Cantrips of courtship will help us... Will you cast a spell with me?"

Relationship: Established

If you wanna we can be an event friends: 4716219

(o_ _)ノ彡☆

The Event stars

The Stars: Lynt Akedia, Guy Avari, Fenn Luxure, Toa Qelsum, Rio Voleri, Roy Invidia.

Let's look at each route:

Toa's Route

Toa's not interested in your Eostre game until he learns the prize.

Relationship Status: Established

Roy's Route

A teller predicts disaster for your relationship. Can you keep Roy?

Relationship Status: Established

Rio's Route

Rio's attempts to be romantic have turned him into somebody he's not.

Relationship Status: Established

Guy's Route

You and Guy hunt for a special Eostre perfume, but you have other goals.

Relationship Status: Established

Lynt's Route

A cookie brings you and Lance closer together! How will Lynt react?

Relationship Status: Established

Fenn's Route

You and Fenn search for a romantic spot,but his lies lead to disaster.

Relationship Status: Established

Event Date

Until 22.04.2022 05:59 (UTC+3)

Event Clock
0 0 : 0 0 : 0 0
Month 00, 0000 (UTC+0)

Other date formats: (UTC+0)

  • 00:00 am Month 00, 0000
  • 00:00 Month 00, 0000
  • 00/00/0000 00:00 am
  • 00/00/0000 00:00
Clock Settings
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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