Ikemen Vampire: Act 2 will start soon!

Ikemen Vampire: Act 2 will start soon!
Ikemen Vampire: Act 2 will start soon!


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Hi everyone!

I have BIG news! Ikemen Vampire Act 2 will start soon!!

It's official. Check tweet:


About Act 2

First of all, I recommend you watch a trailer:

Turn on the CC for English Subtitles.

What is Act 1?

Act 1 refers to all routes released up to, and including Shakespeare's Route.

People involved in the dark events in the residents' pasts have appeared, and there have been rumors of someone bringing them back to life as vampires...

Characters from Act 1:
Napoleon Bonaparte, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci, Arthur Conan Doyle, Vincent van Gogh, Theodorus van Gogh, Isaac Newton, Jean d'Arc, William Shakespeare

What is Act 2?

Act 2 refers to routes released after Shakespeare's Route, starting in late 2021. New character Vlad, takes more of a focus, as does his behind-the-scenes scheming...

While routes in Act 1 start right after the Prologue, routes in Act 2 start after some time has passed since you've come to the mansion.


In all the routes released so far, there's always been a shadow, bringing life back to those who had a hand in dark events in the residents' pasts... Who's been bringing them back, and why? Just who could be opposed to those living in the mansion...?

Shakespeare's route, coming in July 2021, serves as the final chapter to Act 1! Finally, everything will come to light! Starting in Act 2, the new character Vlad, the Pure-Hearted Tyrant, will take the stage, pushing the story forward with his grand ambitions... 

Characters from Act 2:
Osamu Dazai, Comte de Saint-Germain, Sebastian, Vlad, Johann Georg Faust, Charles-Henri Sanson

New Characters and Walkthroughs

Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire Vlad

Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire Johann Georg Faust

Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire Charles-Henri Sanson


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