Story Sets "Black Friday 2021" in Ikemen Prince

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Hi everyone! The Story Sets "Black Friday 2021" was starting now!
Black Friday 2021 Sets in Ikemen Prince (ikepri)
So, let's look at what we can find in those Sale ^^
The main theme of the event: The Beasts spend their time as they like on their day off. These stories are but on page from their memories.
The Stars: Clavis Lelouch, Chevalier Michel, Nokto Klein, Licht Klein
Special Set for 5800 Diamonds
- The Story "The Beasts' Day Off" (Chevalier & Clavis)
- The Story "The Beasts' Day Off" (Nokto & Licht)
- Avatar x4
- Story Ticket x20
- Cake Set (+100) x15
Happy Bag Chevalier & Clavis Set for 2980 Diamonds
- The Story "The Beasts' Day Off" (Chevalier & Clavis)
- Avatar x1
- Story Ticket x10
- Cake Set (+100) x10
Happy Bag Nokto & Licht Set for 2980 Diamonds
- The Story "The Beasts' Day Off" (Nokto & Licht)
- Avatar x1
- Story Ticket x10
- Cake Set (+100) x10
Happy Bag Mini Set for 800 Diamonds
- Avatar x1
- Story Ticket x2
- Cake Set (+100) x1
Event Date
26.11.2021 10:00 am - 26.12.2021 09:59 pm JST
Event Clock
Other date formats: (UTC+0)
- 00:00 am Month 00, 0000
- 00:00 Month 00, 0000
- 00/00/0000 00:00 am
- 00/00/0000 00:00
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