The Story Event "A Tipsy Countdown" in Ikemen Revolution

The Story Event "A Tipsy Countdown" in Ikemen Revolution
The Story Event "A Tipsy Countdown" in Ikemen Revolution


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Hi everyone! Today was starting the story event "A Tipsy Countdown" in Ikemen Revolution (ikerev).

The main Event Theme: Counting down to the New Year together... "My body is starting to feel pretty hot." Drinks and his touch heat up this special tipsy night!

My Friend Code: P9AEJRXVY

The Event stars

The Stars: Kyle Ash (7 of Hearts), Jonah Clemence (Queen Of Hearts), Lancelot Kingsley (King Of Hearts), Ray Blackwell (King of Spades), Sirius Oswald (Queen of Spades), Luka Clemence (Jack of Spades)

Let's look at each route:

Lancelot Route

Lancelot promises to spend the last moments of the year with you, but will he arrive in time?

"It appears I feel a bit intoxicated tonight"

You finally reunite as one after what feels like forever...

Jonah Route

You and Jonah hit the town for a fun New Year's Eve night!

"If you keep being this cute, I won't be able to hold myself back. Even if we're in public"

Jonah's straightforwardness melts you from the inside out...

Kyle Route

You have a private New Year's countdown party with Kyle and fall under a magic spell.

"What sort of 'bold' things were you planning on doing?"

Will you be intoxicated by the alcohol? Or by Kyle'skisses?

Ray Route

The Black Army has a New Year's countdown party, and Ray lets loose for the night.

"From this point on, let me have you all to myself"

You give your King everything...

Sirius Route

You and Sirius head to the seaside to ring in the new year.

"You want to get me drunk that badly? What a naughty girl"

He shows you a side of him that only no one else has seen before!

Luka Route

A countdown party with just you and Luka...

"If it's just the two of us, I won't get embarrassed no matter what you confess to me while drunk."

You have a feeling tonight will be sweeter than sweet...

Event Date

28.12.2021 ~ 10.01.2022 at 04:00 am

Lucky Time

Do Love Lessons during Lucky Time to get increased Love Points & Lin! Be sure to look at the Lucky Time schedule for this event!


30.12.2021 at 04:00 AM to 31.12.2021 at 04:00 AM (24hr)
Super Lucky Time:
02.01.2022 at 04:00 AM to 03.01.2021 at 04:00 AM (24hr)
06.01.2022 at 04:00 AM to 07.01.2022 at 04:00 AM (24hr)
Super Lucky Time:
08.01.2022 at 04:00 AM to 09.01.2022 at 04:00 AM (24hr)

Event Clock
0 0 : 0 0 : 0 0
Month 00, 0000 (UTC+0)

Other date formats: (UTC+0)

  • 00:00 am Month 00, 0000
  • 00:00 Month 00, 0000
  • 00/00/0000 00:00 am
  • 00/00/0000 00:00
Clock Settings
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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