Walkthrough Ikemen Prince: Gilbert von Obsidian

Walkthrough Ikemen Prince: Gilbert von Obsidian
Walkthrough Ikemen Prince: Gilbert von Obsidian


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Ikemen Prince (IkePri) Gilbert von Obsidian Walkthrough

Special thanks to Fox, Hibiki, Mari and Eternity Awaitz for help with this walkthrough!  ^_^

Route Navigation:


Episode 1

[1] ...Please give me time to ask permission (+4 / +4)
[2] ...But I can't just agree (+4 / +4)
[3] Fine. I'll go with you (+4 / +4)

All responses in Chapter 1 offer +4 / +4 responses, so you can choose whichever you wish.

Photo (CG)
A Story Card

Episode 2

[1] I'm too nervous to notice the taste (+4 / +4)
[2] It's good
[3] Do you want to try some?

Intimacy Check

Episode 3

[1] You're someone that everyone's afraid of
[2] You're someone scary (+4 / +4)
[3] You're a man with a great smile


Episode 4

[1] ...That's a problem too
[2] I said nothing
[3] Let go, please (+4 / +4)

Avatar Challenge
 - Premium Path for 400 Gems
 - Normal Path for 3000 Gold

Episode 5

[1] Are you asking me to slap you?
[2] Are you asking me to kiss you? (+4 / +4)
[3] Are you asking me for more cookies?

Episode 6

[1] Please enjoy your dinner.
[2] I won't be lonely, so don't worry (+4 / +4)
[3] I might be lonely, but I'll be okay

His Side Story

Episode 7

[1] I leapt away from him
[2] I stared back at him
[3] I looked away (+4 / +4)

Intimacy Check

Episode 8

[1] I asked Gilbert to deal with it (+4 / +4)
[2] I asked Luke to deal with it
[3] I decided to deal with it on my own

His Side Story

Episode 9

[1] Because I risked my life?
[2] Because I got in your way?
[3] Because I didn't even stop to think? (+4 / +4)

Episode 10

[1] I pretended to kiss him
[2] I did my best to refuse
[3] I went ahead and kissed him (+4 / +4)

Avatar Challenge
 - Premium Path for 500 Gems
 - Normal Path for 4500 Gold

Episode 11

[1] I appreciate your offer to help
[2] I'm going to work you to the bone (+4 / +4)
[3] Please don't do anything awful, okay?


Episode 12

[1] I put up with it
[2] I looked to Luke for help
[3] I pushed Gilbert away (+4 / +4)

Intimacy Check

Episode 13

[1] Go with my finger then
[2] Nowhere!
[3] If you bite me, I'll bite you back (+4 / +4)

His Side Story

Episode 14

[1] Seriously?
[2] Please get off me
[3] Um... There, there? (+4 / +4)

Avatar Challenge
 - Premium Path for 600 Gems
 - Normal Path for 6000 Gold

Episode 15

[1] I had a small accident... 
[2] I just felt like it
[3] It's a secret (+4 / +4)

His Side Story

Episode 16

[1] No!
[2] I'll make them again, okay? (+4 / +4)
[3] I'll let you have just one...


Episode 17

[1] That's not the problem here
[2] It's not that I hate the idea, but...
[3] Yes, I do (+4 / +4)

Intimacy Check

Episode 18

[1] It's impressive
[2] It looks impenetrable
[3] It's scary (+4 / +4)

His Side Story

Episode 19

[1] You want me to bake treats for you (+4 / +4)
[2] You want me to cook for myself
[3] You want me to work for you

Avatar Challenge
 - Premium Path for 800 Gems
 - Normal Path for 8500 Gold

Episode 20

[1] I slid off his lap
[2] I gave up and stayed there
[3] I complained​​​​​​​ (+4 / +4)

Romantic Ending

Episode 21

[1] No..! Go ahead  (+4 / +4)
[2] Yes...
[3] I said nothing

His Side Story

Episode 22

[1] Fine
[2] I don't know
[3] Don't be too shocked, okay?​​​​​​​ (+4 / +4)

Intimacy Check

Episode 23

[1] I don't know
[2] I don't want to know
[3] I'd rather not know​​​​​​​ (+4 / +4)


Episode 24

[1] Please don't say that.
[2] It's not fine
[3] It's not the end​​​​​​​ (+4 / +4)

Avatar Challenge
 - Premium Path for 1000 Gems
 - Normal Path for 22000 Gold

Episode 25

[1] You're the worst
[2] I missed you​​​​​​​ (+4 / +4)
[3] Please don't tease me like that


No choice

Dramatic Ending

Episode 21

[1] I could say something reassuring
[2] I could rub it better (+4 / +4)
[3] I can get medicine for you

His Side Story

Episode 22

[1] That wasn't fair! (+4 / +4)
[2] Are you... okay?
[3] Stop it already

Intimacy Check

Episode 23

[1] That's not appropriate for friends
[2] I'm not comfortable being that close
[3] Only lovers get that close​​​​​​​ (+4 / +4)


Episode 24

[1] What makes you think that? (+4 / +4)
[2] There's no way I'm in love with him
[3] ... Don't say that

Avatar Challenge
 - Premium Path for 1000 Gems
 - Normal Path for 22000 Gold

Episode 25

[1] Rebuilding the towns (+4 / +4)
[2] Develop new weapons?
[3] Clean up the castle? (+4 / +2)


No choice

About Gilbert von Obsidian

"Hello, Rhodolite. Are you keeping up your fruitless struggle as usual?" - Gilbert von Obsidian, Ikemen Prince (full walkthrough)

Terrifying as he is beautiful. He has a secret - in which if you ever find out, that may very well be the last day of your life.

1st Prince of Obsidian Gilbert von Obsidian, Ikemen Prince (full walkthrough)

Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Ikemen Prince: Gilbert von Obsidian» on my website.

I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~

More «Ikemen Prince» Walkthroughs:

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Comments on «Walkthrough Ikemen Prince: Gilbert von Obsidian»

I forgot to record the first few but here:

Episode 5

[1] "Are you asking me to slap you?"

[2] "Are you asking me to kiss you?" (+4/+4)

[3] "Are you asking me for more cookies?"


thank you

༼ つ ◕o◕ ༽つ✨


Chapter 6

[1] "Please enjoy your dinner."

[2] "I won't be lonely, so don't worry." (+4/+4)

[3] "I might be lonely, but I'll be okay."


Chapter 7

[1] I leapt away from him.

[2] I stared back at him.

[3] I looked away. (+4/+4)


Episode 1

1. "...Please give me time to ask permission." (+4/+4)

2. "...But I can't just agree." (+4/+4)

3."Fine. I'll go with you." (+4/+4)


Chapter 8

[1] I asked Gilbert to deal with it. (+4/+4)

[2] I asked Luke to deal with it.

[3] I decided to deal with it on my own.


Chapter 9

[1] "Because I risked my life?"

[2] "Because I got in your way?"

[3] "Because I didn't even stop to think?" (+4/+4)


Chapter 10

[1] I pretended to kiss him.

[2] I did my best to refuse.

[3] I went ahead and kissed him. (+4/+4)


Episode 2

1. "I'm too nervous to notice the taste." (+4/+4)

2. "It's good."

3. "Do you want to try some?"


I did Gilbert's route in the japanese game, so I have almost all the choices! Ps: some might not be written like the english game since I used a translator.

Chapter 1 - Any choice is 4/4

Chapter 2 - Gilbert: "Well? Is it good?"

"I'm too nervous to even notice the taste" 4/4

"It's good"

"What about Gilbert?"

Chapter 3 - (Once again...)

"You are someone that everyone is afraid of"

"You are someone scary" 4/4

"You are a man with a great smile"

Chapter 4 - But a moment later he grabbed hold of my hand, squeezing it tightly, and I jumped again.

"...that's a problem too"

"I said nothing"

"Let go, please" 4/4

Chapter 5 - Gilbert's smile deepened, just a little, and he reached up, tapping his cheek with one finger.

"Are you asking me to slap you?"

"Are you asking me to kiss you?" 4/4

"Are you asking me for more cookies?"

Chapter 6 - (Clavis... Are you trying to get me away from Gilbert so you can tell me something?)

"Please enjoy your dinner"

"I won't be lonely, so don't worry" 4/4

"I might be lonely, but I will be okay"

Chapter 7 - Suddenly his face was so close he was all I could see, and my heart jolted wildly.

"I leapt away from him"

"I stared back at him"

"I looked away" 4/4

Chapter 8 - Gilbert: "But you know what to do at a time like this, don't you?"

"I asked Gilbert to deal with it" 4/4

"I asked Luke to deal with it"

"I decided to deal with it on my own"

Chapter 9 - (The real reason Gilbert was upset with me is...)

"Because I put my body on the line?"

"Because I got in the way?"

"Because I was careless?" 4/4

Chapter 10 - Suddenly he pointed with his index finger to his cheek.

"Pretend to kiss"


"Kiss his cheek honestly" 4/4

Chapter 11 - (Then I have no choice than to think positively)

"Thank you!"

"I'm going to use it hard, right?" 4/4

"Please don't do anything bad"

Chapter 12 - (Wow, that's scary)

"Hold on as it is"

"Ask for help"

"Shake it off" 4/4

Chapter 13 - Gilbert: "Do you like it in your neck?"

"The finger is fine!"

"I don't want anywhere!"

"I will bite you back!" 4/4

Chapter 14 - The sudden proximity made my body tense.

"Are you serious?"

"Stay away"

"R...really?" 4/4

Chapter 15 - Clavis: "What's that on your neck?"

"I got injured"

"It's nothing"

"It's a secret" 4/4

Chapter 16 - Gilbert: "Then I will eat it after all"

"Don't do that!"

"I will make it again later" 4/4

"Just one more..."

Chapter 17 - Gilbert: "Oh, that's awful, I'm a friend, but you don't like me that much."

"That's not the problem"

"I don't hate you that much"

"I hate it" 4/4

Chapter 18 - Everyone near the castle gate was dressed in military uniform, and the glamour of Rhodolite Castle was nowhere to be seen.

"It's respectable"

"It looks sturdy"

"It's scary" 4/4

Chapter 19 - (I see... I mean...)

"That means that I can make sweets" 4/4

"So I can cook my own meals"

"That means i have to work"

Chapter 20 - I was cradled into his lap.


"Be quiet"

"Protest" 4/4

Romantic Route ↓

Chapter 21 - Gilbert: "...Ah, should I do it myself?"

"No, please" 4/4



Chapter 22 - Gilbert: "Well, well...Please"


"I'm worried"

"Please don't be surprised...ok?" 4/4

Chapter 23 - (The emotions pouring down like rain seep into my heart like ink, turning it black.)

It seeps into my heart and I dye it black.

"I don't understand"

"I don't want to understand"

"I want to remain in the dark" 4/4

Chapter 24 - Gilbert: "It's the last one..."

"Don't say that"

"Not good"

"It's not the last" 4/4

Chapter 25 -


"" 4/4


(I forgot to write this one :()

Dramatic Route ↓

Chapter 21 - "I would..."

"Cast a spell on it"

"Pat it" 4/4

"Bring the medicine"

Chapter 22 - When i turned around, I saw Gilbert smiling innocently like a child whose prank had succeeded.

"Surprise attacks are cowardly" 4/4

"Are... You okay?"

"Stop it"

Chapter 23 - Gilbert: "Since it is a date, I think this distance is acceptable"

"Friends don't be that close"

"This distance is unacceptable"

"We're close like lovers" 4/4

Chapter 24 - The hand I reached to the baked goods froze.

"Why do you think so?" 4/4

"There's no way... That I like him"

"Quit it"

Chapter 25 - (The first thing Gilbert would do...)

"Town planning?" 4/4

"Develop weapons?"

"'Cleaning' the castle?"


Episode 3

1. "You're someone that everyone's afraid of."

2. "You're someone scary." (+4/+4)

3. "You're a man with a great smile."


Episode 4

1. "...That's a problem too."

2. I said nothing.

3. "Let go, please." (+4/+4)


Chapter 11

[1] "I appreciate your offer to help."

[2] "I'm going to work you to the bone." (+4/+4)

[3] "Please don't do anything awful, okay?"


Chapter 12

[1] I put up with it.

[2] I looked to Luke for help.

[3] I pushed Gilbert away. (+4/+4)


Chapter 13

[1] "Go with my finger then."

[2] "Nowhere!"

[3] "If you bite me, I'll bite you back." (+4/+4)


Chapter 14

[1] "Seriously?"

[2] "Please get off me."

[3] "Um... There, there?"(+4/+4)


Chapter 15

[1] "I had a small accident..."

[2] "I just felt like it."

[3] "It's a secret."(+4/+4)


Chapter 16

[1] "No!"

[2] "I'll make them again, okay?" (+4/+4)

[3] "I'll let you have just one..."


Chapter 17

[1] "That's not the problem here."

[2] "It's not that I hate the idea, but..."

[3] "Yes, I do."(+4/+4)


Chapter 18

[1] "It's impressive."

[2] "It looks impenetrable."

[3] "It's scary."(+4/+4)


Chapter 19

[1] "You want me to bake treats for you."(+4/+4)

[2] "You want me to cook for myself."

[3] "You want me to work for you."


Chapter 20

[1] I slid off his lap.

[2] I gave up and stayed there.

[3] I complained. (+4/+4)



Chapter 21

[1] "No..! Go ahead." (+4/+4)

[2] "Yes..."

[3] I said nothing.


You almost complete this route in one day, congrats! ~~~


Haha, I was binge-reading it hard. How is it going for you with the route?


50 / 50

I waited his route, really waited, and cleared my day for reading in comfort. But my sweet brother brought to me my nephew and run away on a full day. So, not Gilber was my main character for the day T_T

So, today is a new day! AND I will do what I planned to do yesterday ^^


Aww, that's a shame that yesterday didn't work out for you but happy reading today! It's an intense ride ahead.


Dramatic Ending

Episode 25

The first answer, "Rebuilding the Towns" gives +4/+4


Thank you!




Chapter 22

[1] "Fine."

[2] "I don't know."

[3] "Don't be too shocked, okay?" (+4/+4)



Chapter 23

[1] "I don't know."

[2] "I don't want to know."

[3] "I'd rather not know." (+4/+4)


Dramatic ending

Episode 21

1. "I could say something reassuring."

2. "I could rub it better." (+4/+4)

3. "I can get medicine for you."

Gosh I just need to let this out of my chest but his route is literally a rollercoaster heck of a ride. This is one of the most intense routes I've ever done in any otome games. I feel like screaming, running, crying and everything while reading. I can't imagine reading all of this in one day, like I really tried to for the triple lucky time but damn I'm glad I didn't because I'm not sure I'll be in a coherent state lol. Safe to say that maybe during the ike pri elections, he might overthrow chev lol



I just completed his route and I feel like I was on a carousel on a max speed



Episode 22

1. "That wasn't fair!" (+4/+4)

2. "Are you... okay?"

3. "Stop it already."


Episode 23 (dramatic route)

1. "That's not appropriate for friends."

2. "I'm not comfortable being that close."

3. "Only lovers get that close." (+4/+4)


Episode 24 ( Dramatic route)

1. "What makes you think that?" (+4/+4)

2. "There's no way I'm in love with him."

3. "... Don't say that."


Episode 25 (Dramatic ending)

1. "Rebuild the towns?" (+4/+4)

2. "Develop new weapons?"

3. "Clean up the castle?"



Chapter 24

[1] "Please don't say that."

[2] "It's not fine."

[3] "It's not the end." (+4/+4)



Chapter 25

[1] "You're the worst."

[2] "I missed you."(+4/+4)

[3] "Please don't tease me like that."


we did it! it's time for celebrate ???


Omg, yes! His route hit me hard in the feels ??

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