Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel

Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel
Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel


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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel» on my website.

Hope you enjoy this story!

Ikemen Vampire  Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel, Walkthrough

Special thanks to Kayleigh, Ziaheart and LemonSoda for help with this walkthrough!  ^_^

Linked Arthur's Stories: 

Route Navigation:


Episode 1

[1] I trust him (+4 / +4)
[2] Arthur can handle it (+4 / +4)
[3] I know he can win (+4 / +4)

* All responses in Chapter 1 offer +4 / +4 responses, so you can choose whichever you wish.

Episode 2

[1] I'm sure he's just lost
[2] We can catch him red-handed (+4 / +4)
[3] He's probably stopping at a pub

His Side Story -  A Detective's Challenge

Episode 3

[1] Doing research (+4 / +4)
[2] Taking a walk
[3] Picking up women

Avatar Mission
Premium - Floral Motif Vintage Blouse (+60) - 300 Diamond
Normal - Chiffon Frilled Pencil Skirt (+30) - 150 Diamonds / 3000 Gold

Episode 4

[1] Look at his desk
[2] Admire him in his glasses
[3] Admire his concentration (+4 / +4)

Intimacy mission - Arthur's Blue eyes (+15)

Episode 5

[1] The satisfying resolution
[2] A person's smile (+4 / +4)
[3] The detective work itself

His Side Story - Following a Detective's Gaze

Episode 6

[1] Packing Lunches (+4 / +4)
[2] Walking Vic
[3] Taking dictation

Letter from him - Tickets for Opening Night

Episode 7

[1] Think about the book
[2] Think about the Play
[3] Think about Arthur (+4 / +4)

His Side Story - Despair Does Not Suit a Detective

Episode 8

[1] Rephrase it
[2] Not in front of everyone
[3] I thought it (+4 / +4)

Avatar Mission
Premium - Voluminous Velvet Brown Ponytail - 400 Crystals
Normal - Twilight Twinkle shoulder Bob - 4500 Coins

Episode 9

[1] The criminal is someone they know?
[2] The victims aren't random? (+4 / +4)
[3] There are new clues?

Letter - (List on Notebook paper)

Episode 10

[1] I'm not sleepy yet
[2] I wanted to see you (+4 / +4)
[3] I thought you needed a lullaby

Intimacy mission - Blue Bauble Handbag

Episode 11

[1] Don't worry about it (+4 / +4)
[2] I'm a little tired
[3] I'm used to it

His Side Story - A Detective Supplies a Roguish Grin

Episode 12

[1] I promise
[2] I can't promise that
[3] That's a strange condition… (+4 / +4)

Letter - I will protect you

Episode 13

[1] What choice did I have? (+4 / +4)
[2] Sounds pretty reckless
[3] That sounds like me

His Side Story

Romantic End

Episode 14

[1] Thank you
[2] I'll be alright
[3] I'm Sorry (+4 / +4)

Intimacy mission: A Present from a certain someone (+30)

Episode 15

[1] No
[2] I couldn’t possibly (+4 / +4)
[3] What happens if I do?

Avatar Mission
Premium - Blue Bauble Heels & Ribbon Earrings (+120)- 600 Crystals
Normal - Sweet tie booties & Bauble earrings (+60) - 8500 Coins

Episode 16

[1] You’re pretty cherubic too (+4 / +4)
[2] That’s what you wanted
[3] Take it easy on him

Letter: “My One and Only”
His side Story: “A Detective Lovingly whispers to his Assistant”
His Side Story Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Ensemble (+200)
Ending Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Dress (+180), Photo “Your One and Only”, 300 Diamond, 5 Story Tickets

All Endings Bonus: Evening On the Seine (+150), “Our Bittersweet Days”, Casual Arthur Plushie​​​​​​​

Dramatic End

Episode 14

[1] Bluff
[2] Keep him talking
[3] Shield Arthur (+4 / +4)

Intimacy mission - Twilight Lantern

Episode 15

[1] They’re acting like children (+4 / +4)
[2] We can all chat together
[3] Is this a case of bad chemistry?

Avatar Mission
Premium - Bijoux Beret & Sweet Tie Necklace - 600 Crystals
Normal - Sapphire Bauble & Teardrop Necklace - 8500 Coins

Episode 16

[1] I wonder…
[2] No comment (+4 / +4)
[3] Yes (+2 / +4)

Letter: “The Kindest Fate”
His Side Story: “A Detective's Game is Afoot”
His Side Story Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Suit (+200)
Ending Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Ball gown (+180), Photo “Crimson Thread”, 300 Diamond, 5 Story Tickets

All Endings Bonus: Evening On the Seine (+150), “Our Bittersweet Days”, Casual Arthur Plushie​​​​​​​

About Arthur Conan Doyle

"I want to be your hero - the one who brings a smile to your face" - Arthur Conan Doyle, Ikemen Vampire, Sequel (full walkthrough)

We strive to see who can make each other the happiest, and live our lives in the lap of love. But one day, a murderer appears, mirroring Arthur's latest novels. In order to protect his precious works, we set out to solve this latest mystery. But it seems in pursuit of the truth, we unlock memories in Arthur's past he'd rather have left undiscovered...

The Frivolous Playboy Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel, Ikemen Vampire (full walkthrough)

Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel» on my website.

I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~

More «Ikemen Vampire» Walkthroughs:

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00:00 August 19, 2023
01:00 October 23, 2021
10:54 November 16, 2023
13:04 May 30, 2020
00:51 February 24, 2021
00:00 March 17, 2023
13:15 July 05, 2019
17:50 August 19, 2019
10:43 April 15, 2024
00:48 February 15, 2022
17:44 May 30, 2022
10:09 September 25, 2020
18:09 January 23, 2020
00:00 September 19, 2022
01:08 July 20, 2021
13:47 July 22, 2019

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Comments on «Walkthrough Ikemen Vampire: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sequel»


I trust him. (+4/+4)

Arthur can handle it. (+4/+4)

I know he can win. (+4/+4)



I'm sure he's just lost.

We can catch him red-handed. (+4/+4)

He's probably stopping at a pub.

His Side Story: “A Detective's Challenge”



Doing research. (+4/+4)

Taking a walk.

Picking up women.

Avatar Check

Premium: Floral Motif Vintage Blouse (+60) - 300 Diamond

Normal: Chiffon Frilled Pencil Skirt (+30) - 150 Diamonds/ 3000 Gold


Thank you, Kayleigh




Look at his desk.

Admire him in his glasses.

Admire his concentration. (+4/+4)

Intimacy Check: Arthur's Blue eyes (+15)



The satisfying resolution.

A person's smile.

The detective work itself.



The satisfying resolution.

A person's smile. (+4/+4)

The detective work itself.

Forgot to add the point distribution.


Ziaheart, thank you ^^



The satisfying resolution.

A person's smile. (+4/+4)

The Detective work itself.

His Side Story (2nd play through): “Following a Detective's Gaze”

[I know Ziaheart has put this one up, but I thought I'd add the side story info]


yup yup, the more information the better ^^


Episode 6

[1] Packing lunches. (+4 / +4)

[2] Walking Vic.

[3] Taking dictation.



Packing Lunches. (+4/+4)

Walking Vic.

Taking dictation.

Letter: "Tickets for Opening Night"


Ziaheart, I have an idea.

When I get to the endings I always play the Dramatic one first. How about we work together? I'll get the answers for the Dramatic ending and you can get the answers for the Romantic ending?



Think about the book.

Think about the Play.

Think about Arthur. (+4/+4)

His Side Story: “Despair Does Not Suit a Detective”



Rephrase it.

“Not in front of everyone.”

“I thought it.” (+4/+4)

Avatar Check

Premium: Voluminous Velvet Brown Ponytail (+80) - 400 Diamond

Normal: Twilight Twinkle shoulder Bob (+40) - 200 Diamond/ 4500 Gold


You have forgotten to change the name at the top of the page.

Linked Napoleon's Stories:

Season 1


Season 2 or Sequel (you here)



The criminal is someone they know?

The victims aren't random? (+4/+4)

There are new clues?

Letter: “(List on Notebook paper)”



I'm not sleepy yet.

I wanted to see you. (+4/+4)

I thought you needed a lullaby.

Intimacy Check: Blue Bauble Handbag (+20)



Don't worry about it. (+4/+4)

I'm a little tired.

I'm used to it.

His Side Story: “A Detective Supplies a Roguish Grin”


The side story is 2nd play through



I promise.

I can't promise that.

That's a strange condition… (+4/+4)

Letter: “I will protect you”



“What choice did I have?” (+4/+4)

“Sounds pretty reckless.”

“That sounds like me.”


Dramatic Ending



Keep him talking.

Shield Arthur. (+4/+4)

Intimacy Check: Twilight Lantern (+30)


Dramatic Ending


They’re acting like children. (+4/+4)

We can all chat together.

Is this a case of bad chemistry?

Avatar Check

Premium: Bijoux Beret & Sweet Tie Necklace (+120) - 600 Diamond

Normal: Sapphire Bauble & Teardrop Necklace (+60) - 300 Diamond/ 8500 Gold


Dramatic Ending


“I wonder…”

“No comment.” (+4/+4)

“Yes.” (+2/+4)

Letter: “The Kindest Fate”

His Side Story: “A Detective's Game is Afoot”

His Side Story Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Suit (+100)

Ending Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Ball gown (+100), Photo “Crimson Thread”, 300 Diamond, 5 Story Tickets


The Twilight Suit is +200 and the Twilight Ballgown is +180. I forgot to change them before a pasted it to the comment.

Also I messed up and said the 3 answer, but got the correct one from reading his Side Story.


Okay, thank you!

Congrats, you've completed his first ending ^^

PS: "...but got the correct one from reading his Side Story" - cheating xD


Romantic ending

Chapter 15:


I couldn’t possibly. (+4/+4)

What happens if I do?


Thank you, LemonSoda ^^


Romatic ending

Chapter 16:

You’re pretty cherubic too. (+4/+4)

That’s what you wanted.

Take it easy on him.


I forgot to write chapter 14 but here is the rest ? hope it helps


Thank you ^^

I will try to add chapter 14 after completed another walkthroughs: Abnormal State, Paradise Lost and etc


I have the answers for 14 and 15


Yay, we did it~~~ ???

A big fatty thanks to both of you!!!


Romantic Route


“Thank you.”

“I'll be alright.”

“I'm Sorry.” (+4/+4)

Intimacy Check: A Present from a certain someone (+30)



“I couldn't possibly.” (+4/+4)

“What happens if I do?”

Avatar Check

Premium: Blue Bauble Heels & Ribbon Earrings (+120) - 600 Diamond

Normal: Sweet tie booties & Bauble earrings (+60) - 300 Diamond/ 8500 Gold


Romantic Ending


“You're pretty cherubic too.” (+4/+4)

“That's what you wanted.”

“Take it easy on him.”

Letter: “My One and Only”

His side Story: “A Detective Lovingly whispers to his Assistant”

His Side Story Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Ensemble (+200)

Ending Bonus: Twilight London Elegance Dress (+180), Photo “Your One and Only”, 300 Diamond, 5 Story Tickets


All Endings Bonus: Evening On the Seine (+150), “Our Bittersweet Days”, Casual Arthur Plushie


When the next sequel comes out I'll help with that one too. As I have a folder on my Google drive with all the walkthroughs in (I think you have them all on here already)


yah, I have everything, wahaha)

Thanks, as always, Kayleigh ^^

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