Walkthrough Wicked Wolves: Haiji
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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Wicked Wolves: Haiji» on my website.
Hope you enjoy this story!
Invite Code (Android): tLuzxd
Version on eng not released
Result route
At the end of this story (Beast Moon + Sweet Moon) you will receive as a reward:
- 5000 Gold
- Key to His Heart
- Reset Ticket
- Full Recovery Story Tickets
- Platinum End Gacha
- +240 or +560 Charm
Total cost route
If you buy premium stuff + all extra:
Avatar Mission ~1900 Reward Points + Extra ~1000 Reward Points = ~2900 Reward Points
If you buy only premium stuff:
Avatar Mission ~1900 Reward Points
If you buy only normal stuff:
Avatar Mission 25000 Gold
About Haiji
"I love y... game." - Haiji, Wicked Wolves (full walkthrough)
The Eternal Boy Vampire Haiji, Wicked Wolves (full walkthrough)
Birthday: 01/20
Blood Type: B
Height: 150 cm
Hobbies: Video Games
Voice: Sakai Koudai
Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Wicked Wolves: Haiji» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
This game is so cool. Wish they would release more routes soon.