Marius von HagenTears of Themis. Heir of Pax Group

Marius von Hagen
Marius von Hagen

Marius von Hagen's Birthday

June 21 🎉🎉🎉

About Marius von Hagen

Tears of Themis. Heir of Pax Group

Age: 21
Height: 188
Blood type: B
Voices: Yang Tianxiang, Chiang Chih Lun, Ishikawa Kaito, Han Shin


«Calling you "Missy" doesn't mean I take you for a diva.»

Heir to a global corporation that yearns for freedom.

An heir to a massive corporation whose ways are always out of the ordinary, and who never follow the rules. Marius has a carefree and rebellious playboy public image, all to hide his true self. This is also the reason why the public doubts whether he is capable of inheriting and leading such a vast family corporation. Born into the epicenter of the struggles of power. Marius grew tired of the endless scheming and politics. It's an unescapable masquerade ball, and all Marius hopes for is for him to never find his ball partner and let him be the only one that gets sucked into this bottomless abyss.

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