Walkthrough Be My Princess PARTY: Glenn J. Casiraghi

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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Be My Princess PARTY: Glenn J. Casiraghi» on my website.
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Glenn J. Casiraghi, Be My Princess PARTY (full walkthrough)
Episode 1: Me, a Nanny?!
A long time ago
Bring up the letter.
Episode 2: Memories of Summer
Explain the overall design.
Look away.
Episode 3: A Stern Gaze
Prince Alan.
Tell the truth.
Episode 4: Embroidered with Sunflowers
Prince Glenn?
Episode 5: At the Hot Spring
Say no to Alan.
Ask Prince Glenn about his treasure.
Episode 6: The Shadow Approaching Yu
Fall asleep?
Ask Prince Glenn for help.
Episode 7: A Back Alley Hero
Talk about the birthday party.
Try and find something to hold on to.
Episode 8: Connected by a Memory
Stop the fight.
Nothing really?
Episode 9: An Old Friend
Complain to the publisher.
...Prince Glenn
Episode 10: Falling in Love for the Second Time
Don't ask why.
Try to find a hotel.
Episode 11: The Beginning of a Storm
It’s a bit scary looking.
Come sleep in here with me.
Episode 12: The True Royal Family
The sunflower ring.
Look at Prince Glenn.
Episode 13: True Princes
I wonder...
Yes, I would.
Episode 14: The End of a Dream
Take the bus.
Shake your head no.
Secret Happy End: 100 Chemistry, 72000 Royal Factor
Happy End: 100 Chemistry, 72000 Royal Factor
Normal End: Default Ending
Episode 15: When Sunflowers Bloom
(Secret Happy End)
No Selections
Secret Happy Ending: Letter, CG, Princess Outfit (Oriens), Oriens Palace
Happy Ending: Letter, CG
Epilogue: The Mark of the Princess
No Selections
Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Be My Princess PARTY: Glenn J. Casiraghi» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
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