Walkthrough LoveUnholyc: Season 2, Fate ~ Jung Hi, Day 8
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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough LoveUnholyc: Season 2, Fate ~ Jung Hi, Day 8» on my website.
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Full walkthrough, LoveUnholyc, Season 2, Fate ~ Jung Hi, Day 8
Focus on increasing Jung Hi's affection only!
Route Navigation Season 2 Jung Hi:
Walkthrough - Day 8
CHAT: Some little boy
Chatroom: William
(ch. 1)
[1] Are you talking to me...? - none effect
[2] Were you standing there the whole time, while I was sleeping? - none effect
(ch. 2)
[1] I must have had a strange dream. Some guys were calling for me... - none effect
[2] I think I already have a partner... - Jung Hi
CHAT: I remember everything!
Chatroom: Leo, Sol, Jung Hi, Siu
(ch. 1)
[1] (Since it's embarrassing, I'll just smile.) - Jung Hi
[2] (Oh~! I'm sure there not staring at me, right!!)
(ch. 2)
[1] No need to be sorry. I was staring too. - Sol
[2] I'm also sorry for making you cry - Jung Hi
CHAT: Which one did you choose?
Chatroom: Leo, Sol, Jung Hi, William
(ch. 1)
[1] How did you know that?! - none effect
[2] No... No, I didn't?! - none effect
(ch. 2)
[1] Wasn't it some person named cat... - Jung Hi
[2] Since Sol's father passed it down to you it must be your father! - Sol
(ch. 3)
[1] Answer!! Albatross!!! - ???
[2] It was Claude!! - Leo
(ch. 4)
[1] ... I remember. You're talking about Sujee, right? - Jung Hi
[2] Are you talking about Eater? - none effect
(ch. 5)
[1] I'm sorry that you had to use all that power for me. - none effect
[2] I'm sorry for not remembering you the first time. - none effect
08:23 - CHAT: Even if you say don't do it
Chatroom: Jung Hi, William
11:19 - CHAT: You were not that bad
Chatroom: Leo, William
Call: Leo
(ch. 1)
[1] Leo, you're more scared than I thought? - none effect
[2] I must usually appear in your dreams a lot? - none effect
(ch. 2)
[1] Liam can be demanding so try to take it easy if you want to live... - none effect
[2] Yeah, thank you. I'll also do whatever I can to help! - none effect
(ch. 3)
[1] If Hi is feels happy then that makes me happy! - none effect
[2] We have to win this time.. - no effect
15:07 - CHAT: She doesn't need your life
Chatroom: Sol, William
19:32 - CHAT: Where is she?
Chatroom: Leo, Sol, Jung Hi
(ch. 1)
[1] Thanks for inviting me! lol - Leo
[2] Hi has really fast hands! - Jung Hi
(ch. 2)
[1] Leo does have a way with words. lol - Leo
[2] You felt excitement meeting me for the first time? - Jung Hi
(ch. 3)
[1] You also have to look out for yourselves! - Jung Hi
[2] I don't want to see any of you in danger... - Sol
(ch. 4)
[1] Okay, I'll try my best since you're all helping! - Jung Hi
[2] Black Sabbath...! I forgot about that!
21:46 - CHAT: Did you miss me?
Chatroom: Leo, Sol, Jung Hi, Sujee
(ch. 1)
[1] You're lying right now. - none effect
[2] You would have been less suspicious if you asked who I was first. - none effect
(ch. 2)
[1] You are more of a danger to me than Sujee! - Jung Hi
[2] What did you do to Sujee...? - none effect
(ch. 3)
[1] I'm more worried about Sujee. - Jung Hi
[2] I'm scared but I'm okay since all of you are here. - Sol
(ch. 4)
[1] Is your schedule really okay? - Jung Hi
[2] To be honest, I was waiting for you. - none effect
Call: Jung Hi
(ch. 1)
[1] Hi, you're not speeding, right?! - none effect
[2] Can anyone be able to stop Hi~! - none effect
(ch. 2)
[1] But she hasn't done anything bad yet. - none effect
[2] It's all in the past anyway - no effect
(ch. 3)
[1] No? I'm the same. - none effect
[2] I like that your likes and dislikes are so district. - none effect
23:25 - CHAT: Order
Chatroom: Leo, Sol, Jung Hi, William
(ch. 1)
[1] Ca... Calm down! Liam! - none effect
[2] Do you want to build a snowman, Anna? - none effect
(ch. 2)
[1] It was hard because I missed you so much. - Jung Hi
[2] Anything happened? Just look around you...!
(ch. 3)
[1] Liam, these three must-have some business with you? - Jung Hi
[2] Ah, is it time for me to head to my room?
(ch. 4)
[1] I've been waiting for this moment as much as all of you. - Jung Hi
[2] Hurry up and make me feel good.
(ch. 5)
[1] No, I'm completely fine - no effect
[2] Yeah, I'm a bit tired. - Jung Hi
(ch. 6)
[1] Is that what you want?
[2] No, I don't like seeing you get hurt. - Jung Hi
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