A special Twitter campaign to celebrate the release of «Ikemen Prince: Beauty and Her Beast»

A special Twitter campaign to celebrate the release of «Ikemen Prince: Beauty and Her Beast»
A special Twitter campaign to celebrate the release of «Ikemen Prince: Beauty and Her Beast»


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Hi everyone!

"Cybird" holding a special Twitter campaign to celebrate the release of «Ikemen Prince: Beauty and Her Beast» (ikepri)! Follow and Retweet for rewards! Don't miss out!

Follow & RT Campaigns

You need to follow @ikepri_en (the official Twitter for Ikemen Prince)

Campaign №1 ~Done

200 Retweets and we get in-game rewards:


Campaign №2 ~Done

Win an autograph board signed by Yuki Ono & Hiroto Kuramasu. 

Retweet this post by 11.07.2021 11:00 pm JST


Campaign №3 ~Done

400 Retweets and we get in-game rewards:


Campaign №4 ~Done

600 Retweets and we get in-game rewards:


Campaign №5 ~Done

800 Retweets and we get in-game rewards:


Campaign №6 ~Done

1000 Retweets and we get in-game rewards:


Campaign №7

You need to retweet this post until August 16th, 10 am JST. Only one winner can get Leon's PV and his merch set!


Campaign №8

You need to retweet this post until August 16th, 10 am JST. Only one winner can get Chevalier's PV and his merch set!


Campaign №9

You need to retweet this post until August 16th, 10 am JST. Only one winner can get Yves's PV and his merch set!


Campaign №10 (final) ~Done

830 Retweets and we get in-game rewards:


And don't forget to read the new Routes! ^^

Walkthrough «Ikemen Prince: Beauty and Her Beast»:

Event Clock
0 0 : 0 0 : 0 0
Month 00, 0000 (UTC+0)

Other date formats: (UTC+0)

  • 00:00 am Month 00, 0000
  • 00:00 Month 00, 0000
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  • 00/00/0000 00:00
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