Walkthrough Princess of the Moon Ultimate: Alph

Walkthrough Princess of the Moon Ultimate: Alph
Walkthrough Princess of the Moon Ultimate: Alph


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Princess of the Moon Ultimate Alph Walkthrough

«All you have to think about is dedicating your love to me.» - Alph, Princess of the Moon Ultimate (full walkthrough)

Route Navigation:


Episode 1

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] I thought it was beautiful (+5)
[2] I thought it was too expensive

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] I'm anxious
[2] I'm worried (+5)

CG (new Photo)

Episode 2

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] …Yes (+5)
[2] No, I mean…

Special Scenario:
- Sweet (Affection 15) - checked, passed
- Normal (Affection 0)

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Look away (+5)
[2] Bite on my lip

Episode 3

(Ch. 1-5)

Avatar Mission
 - Glasses (Charm +50) - 300 Rubies
 - Hat (Charm +25) - 100 Rubies / 3000 Gold

[1] Move towards Alph (+5)
[2] Look at him in embarrassment

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Nothing happened (+5)
[2] Umm, umm…

Extra Ticket 01 - 200 Rubies

Episode 4

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Keep an eye on them
[2] Interrupt them (+5)

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] I believe you (+5)
[2] Can you win?

Episode 5

(Ch. 1-5)

Elegance Mission: Require 3500 Skills

[1] Speak vaguely (+5)
[2] Change the topic

Special Scenario:
 - Sweet (Affection 45) + CG (new Photo)  - checked, passed
 - Normal (Affection 0)

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Stare at him in silence
[2] Nod (+5)

Extra Ticket "Through His Eyes" - 150 Rubies

Episode 6

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Tell me quickly! (+5)
[2] I'll try

(Ch. 6-10)

Avatar Mission
 -  Black Evening Dress (Charm +60) - 400 Rubies
 -  Black Clutch Bag (Charm +30) - 5000 Gold

[1] Snuggle towards him (+5)
[2] Call to him with a gentle voice

Extra Ticket 02 - 300 Rubies

Episode 7

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Stare at him (+5)
[2] Look away in embarrassment

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Stop Alph
[2] Stand in front of Alph (+5)

Episode 8

(Ch. 1-5)

Avatar Mission
 -  Red Balloon Dress with Ribbon (Charm +100) - 500 Rubies -> CG (new Photo)
 -  Red Wide Brim Hat (Charm +50) - 200 Rubies / 8000 Gold

[1] Grip Alph's hand (+5)
[2] Look towards Alph

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Keep quiet (+5)
[2] Try to cover it up

Episode 9

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Cry
[2] Get angry (+5)

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Sandwich his face between my hands (+5)
[2] Tap his shoulders

Special Scenario:
 - Sweet (Affection 90)
 - Normal (Affection 0)

Extra Ticket 03 - 300 Rubies

Episode 10

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] It's so rare
[2] It really suits you. (+5)

Elegance Mission: Require 8000 Skills

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Accept it
[2] Refuse it (+5)

Special Scenario:
 - Sweet (Affection 100)  - checked, passed
 - Normal (Affection 50)

Beast End

Episode 11

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] I want you to tell me. (+5)
[2] Hesitate

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Calm down (+5)
[2] Get upset

Episode 12

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Grip Alph's Hand (+5)
[2] Look at Alph

Avatar Mission
 - Item (Charm +110) - 600 Rubies
 - Item (Charm +55) - 250 Rubies / 12000 Gold

(Ch. 6-10)

Elegance Mission: Require 12000 Skills

[1] Struggle desperately
[2] Call for help (+5)

Special Scenario:
 - Sweet (Affection 120)
 - Normal (Affection 0)

Extra Ticket Beast - 400 Rubies

Episode 13

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Appease Alph
[2] Hide behind Alph's back (+5)

(Ch. 6-10)

Avatar Mission
-  Green Bare-Top Dress (Charm +180) - 900 Rubies

-  Fan (Charm +100) - 500 Rubies / 20000 Gold

[1] Pat Alph's cheek (+5)
[2] Pat Alph's back

Pure End

Episode 11

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Hug his waist (+5)
[2] Hug his arm

(Ch. 6-10)

[1] Tell him with words (+5)
[2] Hug him tightly

Episode 12

(Ch. 1-5)

Avatar Mission
 -  Gold Tiara (Charm +110) - 600 Rubies
 -  Aqua Green Necklace (Charm +55) - 250 Rubies / 12000 Gold

[1]Touch his lips (+5)
[2] Touch his cheek

(Ch. 6-10)

Elegance Mission: Require 12000 Skills

[1] Glare at Dean (+5)
[2] Grab Dean’s shoulder

Special Scenario:
 - Sweet (Affection 120)
 - Normal (Affection 0)

Episode 13

(Ch. 1-5)

[1] Kiss his hand
[2] Snuggle up to him (+5)

(Ch. 6-10)

Avatar Mission
-  One-shoulder Wedding Dress (Charm +180) - 900 Rubies

-  Feminine Bob (Charm +100) - 500 Rubies / 20000 Gold

[1] Smile
[2] Squeeze his hand (+5)

Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Princess of the Moon Ultimate: Alph» on my website.

I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~

More «Princess of the Moon ~Ultimate~» Walkthroughs:

17:33 April 18, 2019
11:15 January 01, 2021
11:12 November 29, 2020
10:32 March 19, 2021
11:41 December 02, 2020
15:54 July 03, 2020

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Comments on «Walkthrough Princess of the Moon Ultimate: Alph»

in episode 3 where can i get premium glasses without using diamonds?


Only for Rubies, my friend. If you a free-to-play player you can get Rubies from Events (really hard, trust me) T-T

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