Walkthrough Secret Crossing: Ivy

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Secret Crossing Ivy Walkthrough
Episode 1: Destiny like vines
1. It's embarrassing (+5 Give)
2. Of course~
3. Tell me more (+5 Take)
1. Don't cry
2. Do whatever you want (+5 Give)
3. I'm sorry... (+5 Take)
Episode 2: Detention after work
1. Hug Eve
2. Kiss Eve on the cheek (+5 Give)
3. Kiss Eve (+5 Take)
1. I would love that (+5 Give)
2. Nevermind
3. What flavor is it? (+5 Take)
Intimacy check - 100 Intimacy
Reward - 50 Hearts
Episode 3: Sweet mask
1. Can I just eat it? (+5 Give)
2. Talk about what?
3. I want to do something else, too! (+5 Take)
1. I am already happy
2. It's no fun (+5 Take)
3. Do you want it ti be more exciting? (+5 Give)
His story - 1 Seed (100 Gems)
Episode 4: Kiss calling cocktail
1. Me too (+5 Give)
2. It was like that (+5 Take)
3. Do you want to hear mine too?
1. Something light for a beginner (+5 Give)
2. Something neat not to get drunk
3. Something strong to let her get drunk (+5 Take)
Illustration (Card SR)
Note - How was my kiss?
Episode 5: Shining secret
1. I will (+5 Give)
2. You text first
3. Well~ (+5 Take)
1. I hate it
2. I don't hate it (+5 Take)
3. Doesn't matter (+5 Give)
Intimacy check - 200 Intimacy
Reward - 100 Hearts
Episode 6: Looking somewhere different
1. Don't do this... (+5 Take)
2. It's unlike you (+5 Give)
3. It doesn't matter
1. You're right (+5 Give)
2. You're wrong (+5 Take)
3. Well...
Episode 7: Sugarvine the trouble shooter
1. What are you saying? (+5 Take)
2. Don't say nonsense
3. Where did you hear that? (+5 Give)
1. Kiss on the palm (+5 Give)
2. Remove her hand
3. Turn around and hug (+5 Take)
Note - Forgive me...
Episode 8: Used to be called a witch
1. Too bad...
2. I won't give up (+5 Take)
3. Give me a hug, I'm sad (+5 Give)
1. Comfort her first (+5 Give)
2. Turn her around to check
3. Kiss her (+5 Take)
Intimacy check - 600 Intimacy
Reward - 150 Hearts
Episode 9: Undo me tonight
Illustration (Card SR)
1. It looks good on you
2. It's not that pretty (+5 Give)
3. Can I touch it? (+5 Take)
1. Don't touch her slips
2. Take them off (+5 Take)
3. I take off my clothes (+5 Give)
Intimacy check - 1000 Intimacy
Reward - 3 Supplements (L)
Episode 10: Wannabe
1. Gently let her talk
2. Ask strongly (+5 Give)
3. Kiss her if she tells (+5 Take)
1. You are not heartless (+5 Give)
2. I disagree (+5 Take)
3. Why would you say that?
His story - 1 Seed (100 Gems)
Episode 11: Kiss is the remedy for insomnia
1. No (+5 Give)
2. Will you? (+5 Take)
3. Shall we bath together?
1. I'm worried about Eve (+5 Give)
2. I'm honestly upset
3. I also can't sleep sometimes (+5 Take)
Note - You were different ❤
Episode 12: Cute jealousy
1. Okay (+5 Give)
2. No
3. Promise me one thing (+5 Take)
1. Stay still
2. Push her away (+5 Give)
3. Cover my body (+5 Take)
His story - 1 Seed (100 Gems)
Episode 13: Sweet party for two
Illustration (Card SR)
1. You need to be thankful for your good looks (+5 Give)
2. Don't smile like that
3. I still need more (+5 Take)
1. Cover the vines with my body
2. Pretend the vine to be fake (+5 Give)
3. Drink the beer at once (+5 Take)
His story - 1 Seed (100 Gems)
Episode 14: Dangerous Honey
1. Calm down first (+5 Give)
2. Don't be reckless (+5 Take)
3. Get back, it's dangerous
1. I'm anixious (+5 Give)
2. Didn't you see it wrong?
3. Were you that close? (+5 Take)
Intimacy check - 2000 Intimacy
Reward - 500 Gems
Episode 15: Promise to be together
1. Thanks (+5 Give)
2. I'm good (+5 Take)
3. Eve, how about you...?
1. Let's use the intercom
2. Sprinkler (+5 Give)
3. Ventilator (+5 Take)
GIVE Ending
Illustration (Card SSR)
TAKE Ending
Illustration (Card SSR)
About Ivy
CV. Kim Bo Na
Sweet: ?????
Spicy: ???
"I'll make you feel better than doing it alone"
Menslake is friendly, cute, and good at playing hard to get. You give her stability, so she wants to give you the best orgasm with her vines. Her goal is to makeall her naughty dreams come true and have a great intimate life
Eve (Ivy), Secret Crossing (full walkthrough)
Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Secret Crossing: Ivy» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
Hey author, I'd like to credit you for making this walkthrough
Thank you~
Thanks for the walkthrough! So, does the total amount of TAKE/GIVE points matter for getting their ending, or is it just whatever is higher? Also does making the points equal matter?
Hi, it's easy.
If you wanna unlock the "GIVE Ending" you will select all "Give"-options, same for the "Take Ending" ^^
Don't mess with options and choose only one-side-answers (only give, or only take). That's all ~~~
Oh...wait really? It isn't the highest point choice but having enough points for the ending? Oof that sucks.
Yup, 100%
Weirdly the first set of choices in Episode 4 didn't appear for me. Same goes with the one youtube video I could find.
It's okay. Don't worry, keep reading and it will appear)
Well I'm in Episode 6 right now and that choice set:
1. Me too (+5 Give)
2. It was like that (+5 Take)
3. Do you want to hear mine too?
still hasn't shown up. Also what does the After 2x with the Seed icon mean on the date list?
Strange, maybe it's a bug or devs changed something.
"After 2x" - opens after you complete the selected route two or more times
Oh. So once I get to the end I have to do a full loop of the dating scenes to access them? Do I get to redo any Take/Give choices as part of it?
Yup, you can do it
Well doing the second loop now (thank you game for refreshing the ID Cards to 5 every day for free, makes this go much faster) and this time it showed up in the correct chapter. Guessing because of a coding error, it doesn't show up unless you hit the Skip button to skip to the choice.
hmm, should we send to devs info about this?