News in Abracadabra Games: thank-you gift!
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Hi everyone!
Today was starting a gift company from Abracadabra Games. How you can see, in their games were problems with long loading times over the past few weeks. So, they solve it and they give us stamina restoration, 10 Scenario Tickets, and 100 Rubies as a present!
Your thank-you gift will be available for each game on the following dates:
- (2021/02/02) Blood Domination
- (2021/02/03) Sealed with a Kiss Re ~Bride of an Asmodian~
- (2021/02 /04) Princess of the Moon Ultimate
- (2021/02/05) Eden of Ikemen: Love in a Lost World
- (2021/02/06) Lust in Terror Manor - The Truth Unveiled
- (2021/02/07) TekiKare - Boyfriend or Foe?
- (2021/02/08) Hanayome - The Sacrificial Bride
- (2021/02/09) Triangle/cross
- (2021/02/10) Vampire Boyfriend Plus
- (2021/02/11) Nexus Code Plus
- (2021/02/12) Emulate Thrill
- (2021/02/13) Reversing Caste
Don't forget to log in and check your present box to receive them
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