Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Deep Story ~ Day 2

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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Deep Story ~ Day 2» on my website.
Hope you enjoy this story!
- Lavender Hearts = Han Jumin
- Gray Hearts = Zen (Ryu Hyun)
- Red Hearts = 707 (Seven, Choi Luciel)
- Green Hearts = Kim Yoosung
- Yellow Hearts = Kang Jaehee
- White Hearts = ???
If you wanna complete the Deep Story you need to select (mostly) the answers with Jumin, or 707 labels. Just select one character.
Full walkthrough, Mystic Messenger Deep Story ~ Day 2
Walkthrough ~ Deep Story ~ Day 2
00:30 – We are having a party again!
Character(s): Yoosung, 707
Selection 1
Yoosung, what are you doing staying up? (Yoosung + Alt Selection)
Seven, what are you doing? (707)
Alt Selection 1
Don't worry, my boy, I'll take good care of you.
You're making me feel uncomfortable.
Selection 2
I don't think it's bad to spend a lot of time doing what you like. (Yoosung)
I agree, lol. I feel like you're playing games too much. (<<)
Selection 3
Have you heard anything about the party dates? (<<)
Negative. (707 + Alt Selection 2)
Alt Selection 2
Hmmm... The party date?
How big do you think the party will be?
Selection 4
110-000-110 & 111-000-111 (707)
Girlfriend? lol (Alt Selection 3)
Alt Selection 3
…Don't joke about that ever again. I'm serious. (707)
I'm just kidding lolol (707)
Selection 5
I love twisted love. OH YEAH. (707)
I'll be careful. Thank, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Selection 6
Thank you so much again for greeting me with enthusiasm ^^ (Yoosung)
Seven, just let me know if there's anything I can do~ (707)
Selection 7
Talk with me a bit longer~ (Yoosung)
I see a huge contradiction in your messages, but have fun; (<<)
Selection 8
thx thx (707)
What the hell's wrong with the options; (<<)
haha (<<)
Selection 9
Okay haha. Don't strain yourself. (707)
Good bye. (<<)
02:11 – Expressing emotion
Character(s): Jumin
Selection 1
Hello, Jumin. (<<)
Hello meow. (Jumin)
Selection 2
What's wrong with getting excited? lol (Alt Selection)
Emotions don't last forever… I'm worried that everyone's excitement will just turn to disappointment because of me. (Jumin)
Alt Selection 1
Haha… Well then, why don't you try to acquire me? (Jumin)
Then I guess not showing your emotions is resting for you? (Jumin)
Selection 3
Kind of
I do
I tend to avoid them
Selection 4
You must really cherish her. Is there a particular reason? (Jumin)
I guess it must be hard for her since you're busy with her. (<<)
Selection 5
You want to use Jaehee as a model? (Jaehee)
That sounds like a good idea… it'll be so cute! (Jumin)
Selection 6
Of course. (Jumin)
… (Alt Selection)
Alt Selection 2
Yes, I am aware, but I'm honestly a bit worried about it. (Jumin)
I'll take care of it myself. (<<)
Selection 7
Wow, an organization that protects street cats? That's a good idea! (Jumin)
Isn't there any organization related to puppies? (<<)
Selection 8
Hope today's a good day for you! (<<)
I'm sure it must b tough to say bye to Elizabeth 3rd. Cheer up ^^ (Jumin)
06:55 – Cat business
Character(s): Zen, Jaehee
Selection 1
Good morning, Zen! (Zen)
Did you sleep well, Jaehee? (Jaehee + Alt Selection 1)
Alt Selection 1
I slept like a rock lolol
Didn't sleep so well…
I pulled an all-nighter
Slept okay~
Selection 2
You don't like cat related projects? (Jaehee)
Don't you think it will be fun? (Jumin)
Selection 3
Why? (Alt Selection 2)
It's good for Jumin to have fun at work. He just has to pay his workers properly. (Jumin)
Alt Selection 2
Then I'm gonna catch you lol (Zen)
We can run together. (<<)
Selection 4
Did something happen at the party?
Two years ago?
Selection 5
I agree! Your face must be protected no matter what, Zen! (Jaehee)
Just wear a mask next time. (Jumin)
Selection 6
Good luck, Jaehee! I'll be hoping for that too. (Jaehee)
To be honest… I actually want to see her. (Jumin)
Selection 7
Hmm… I'm not really sure.
I think that's a good idea. More and more people are allergic these days. Tell him to contact me. (Zen + Email from allergy)
Selection 8
It's awkward for me too. (<<)
Just mind your own business, Jaehee. (Jaehee Break)
Let's get to know each other, Jaehee~ (Jaehee)
Selection 9
Good bye. (<<)
Good luck today! (Jaehee)
I'm sleepy again. (<<)
Selection 10
Good bye. (<<)
Wow. You have meetings with directors? So cool! (Zen)
09:22 – Answer me!
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
What's going on? Are you okay? (Alt Selection 1)
a;ejag;ifjdklv!! (707 + Alt Selection 2)
Alt Selection 1
Alt Selection 2
What's up meow? Over. (707)
Nothing happened, right?
Selection 2
Why do you ask? (Alt Selection 3)
None lol If I had to say, it would just be this weird situation happening right now. (707)
Alt Selection 3
You're still doing a background check on me?; (<<)
I've lead an honest life so far. (???)
Selection 3
Don't do a background check on me without asking; (707 Break)
Thanks, Seven ^^ (707)
Selection 5
A photo? (Alt Selection 4)
Don't you have any photos of you? (Alt Selection 5)
Alt Selection 4
+-+ Search search search! (707)
Don't look for it. It's disgusting. (<<)
Alt Selection 5
I just asked because you didn't seem like the type to take selfies lol (707)
Show me more! I want to know! (707)
Selection 6
Hmm... If I see the photos on the CCTV, I understand why he wouldn't want that; (Jumin)
Just adopt one! (707)
Selection 7
You have a maid? You must be well-off. (<<)
Your maid is very fierce; (707)
Selection 8
So awesome!! (707)
You're every extravagant; Sports cars plus a maid. (707)
Selection 9
I can't really sympathize with that; (<<)
Good!! Two birds with one stone! (707)
Selection 10
Kneel!! Meow! (707)
Stop messing around and get back to work. (707)
Selection 11
Don't go T_T (707)
Good bye. (<<)
11:50 – Rich people
Character(s): Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin
Selection 1
Jumin, did you have lunch? (Jumin)
Jaehee, did you have lunch? (Jaehee)
Yoosung, did you have lunch? (Yoosung + Alt Selection)
Alt Selection 1
I did. (<<)
Selection 2
I'm sure it's a nutritionally balanced meal. (Jaehee)
Well…! I should get some steak and wine now! (Jumin)
The side dishes don't look so good. (Yoosung)
Selection 3
Yoosung, Cheer up. Money's nothing compared to a good heart! (Yoosung)
Well, that would basically be like having a mom. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
Cheer up, Jaehee!! (Jaehee)
Hmm. Your wage is higher than most other companies. Jumin's company's a pretty good work place ^^ (Jumin)
Selection 5
Am I really safe? (Jaehee)
I trust Seven about that. (707)
Selection 6
You really trust V then… (Jumin)
I'm a bit nervous to be honest, since I don't know V at all. (Yoosung)
Selection 7
So Seven works for RFA and as a hacker too. (707)
Classified information? (<<)
Selection 8
Perhaps they are being careful to make sure everyone is safe?
I'm sure it's not good to just hide everything.
Selection 9
I thought Seven was always the secretive type? (707)
Mary Vanerwood 3rd? (<<)
Selection 10
I'm worried he's working on some dangerous things. (707)
So no one knows where Luciel works? (<<)
I'm not interested either. (<<)
Selection 11
Jumin, you're so considerate! (Jumin)
Oooh. Just like a movie lol (Yoosung)
Selection 12
Jaehee, it must be so hard to do this job. (Jaehee)
So cool to see Jumin be the rich man he is! (Jumin)
Selection 13
I guess businessmen really do think differently. (Jumin)
I don't think you can just open up banks like you do with shops.; (Jaehee)
Selection 14
I think it's a good idea! Tell them to contact me. (Jaehee + Email from frank)
I'm not really interested.
Selection 15
ya (<<)
It was fun talking to you, Yoosung. Bye! (Yoosung)
Selection 16
Yup! Good luck, Jumin! (Jumin)
Jaehee, talk to you later! (Jaehee)
14:12 – How's my life?
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
Heya Seven. (707)
I'm sleepy… (<<)
Selection 2
I don't want to know. (Alt Selection 1)
Wow, I want to know! How? (707)
Alt Selection 1
lololol Go ahead. (<<)
Nope. (707)
Selection 3
You feel happy just by watching your cars?
That's investment?
Selection 4
That's it? ( Alt Selection 2)
Guess you really love cars >.< (707)
Alt Selection 2
Gotcha yo. (707)
-_- (<<)
Selection 5
Wow so cute! Seven's cute! (707)
Ms. Vanderwood is beautiful. (<<)
…Is she really a maid? (<<)
Selection 6
I guess you have many enemies then; (<<)
Always be careful meow (707)
Selection 7
Feelings getting hurt…? Why do you have to worry about that? (<<)
Aight. Just let me know what you feel safe telling me. (707)
Selection 8
Hope you eat a proper meal and not potato chips;
You must be starving TT go get something to eat
15:58 – Bickering
Character(s): Jaehee, Zen
Selection 1
Jaehee, how's work? (Jaehee)
Zen~ How is your day so far? (Zen)
Selection 2
I'm jealous that you get to work with Jumin, Jaehee lol (Jumin)
Do you think Ms. Vanderwood is important to Seven? (707)
Selection 3
lolololol This is so good lol
Now I know your taste lolololololol
Selection 4
It's Jumin Han!!! The handsome man in a suit!!! (707)
Hi, Jumin. (Jumin)
Selection 5
You didn't know? (Zen)
It took me a while to find it too. (Jumin)
Selection 6
Jumin, you must really like this chat room. (Jumin)
It's good to be honest, but I think Jaehee will be upset if you say it right in front of her… (Zen)
Selection 7
Then I guess Jaehee can just leave. (Jaehee Break)
Yeah… (Jaehee)
If everyone just respects each other's privacy, I don't think there will be any problem. (Jumin)
Selection 8
Why is she avoiding talking with Jumin? (Jumin)
I didn't even get to say good bye…; (Zen)
Selection 9
I don't think Jumin will treat anyone emotionally, so I don't think she has to be that careful around him. ^^; (Jumin)
Jumin, you were never in Jaehee's shoes, so I don't think you understand this. (Zen)
Selection 10
Really? Then that's a bit unfair. (Jumin)
If you just keep a closer look… I think you'd know why. (Zen)
Selection 11
Why don't you two peacefully call a truce on each other…? (Jumin)
Uhm… Do you guys want a moment? Should I leave? (Zen)
Selection 12
He didn't even give me a chance to say good bye… (Zen)
lololololol Jumin's so funny. (Jumin)
Selection 13
I'm not hurt at all. Jumin says funny things, haha. (Jumin)
Thank you for caring. (Zen)
Selection 14
OMGOMG Make sure you send me a selfie!! (Zen)
Have a good work out~! (<<)
18:10 – Tsk tsk
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
Yoosung, I missed you! (Yoosung)
Hello. (<<)
Selection 2
It was a bit funny to watch actually, haha. (Jumin)
I was a bit caught off guard… But thanks for worrying. (Yoosung)
Selection 3
Apparently, that's what statistics say. I guess you know women pretty well. (Yoosung)
Women, creatures of empathy? I think that's a bit sexist. (Alt Selection 1)
Alt Selection 1
I'm just kidding ^^ Women have a different brain structure from men, so they tend to be better at empathizing.
Be careful from now on. (Yoosung BREAK)
Selection 4
Cheer up. You still have hope! (Yoosung)
You've never had a girlfriend before? (Alt Selection 2)
Alt Selection 2
Did you reject those love letters? (<<)
Wow! You're the popular guy! (Yoosung)
Selection 5
lol And you haven't joined it yet? (<<)
To be honest, I can't believe that you've never had a girlfriend before. (Yoosung)
Selection 6
I'll consider it! Tell them to reach me~ (Yoosung + Email from solo)
Don't feel like it;
Selection 7
Good bye. (<<)
I'll eat with you in spirit! Yum yum. (Yoosung)
19:56 – Be honest
Character(s): 707, Jumin
Selection 1
When you die? (<<)
Cheer up Seven O Seven! Sevenny! Sevv! Lovely Seven! (707)
Selection 2
Jumin, hello. (Jumin)
Someone's here. (707)
Selection 3
Nah. We were just joking around. (707)
lol He totally caught you. (Jumin)
Selection 4
I think your question has to be more specific. (Jumin)
Evading the question? (707)
Selection 5
Please don't ask such private questions; (Jumin)
No… No way! (707)
Selection 6
So you are a forever-alone, or not? (707 + Alt Selection 1)
I really think it's rude to ask something like that. And he doesn't have to answer it. (Jumin)
Alt Selection 1
What's wrong with being forever alone? (<<)
I'm only curious; haha (<<)
Selection 7
I don't think he's gay. (Jumin)
I am an open-minded person, so feel free to come out. I appreciate all types of people. (707)
Selection 8
I am actually sleepy. (<<)
I'm still having fun lol (707)
Selection 9
But Seven, have you ever had a girlfriend before? (707 + Alt Selection 2)
He ran away. (707)
Alt Selection 2
Yeah right.
What!? Married?
Selection 10
Laterz (<<)
Don't go T_T (707)
22:00 – Romance expert
Character(s): Zen
Selection 1
Hello. (<<)
Wow Zen, I missed ya. (Zen)
Selection 2
I think Jumin can't be gay too. (Alt Selection)
Well I guess Jumin has his own aura. (Jumin)
Alt Selection 1
A woman's instinct! +_+ (Zen)
I think once Jumin finds someone who understands him, he'll be fine in a relationship. (Jumin)
Selection 3
You smell like a man, lovely Zen! (Zen)
Hmm. I think Jumin has a more sophisticated world of his own, so I'm not sure if he'll need your advice. (Jumin)
Selection 4
You're not proud of it, are you? (<<)
But you were always considerate towards women… So cool! (Zen)
Motorcycle gangs? (<<)
Selection 5
I don't really like lamb kebabs… (<<)
Lamb kebab? (Zen)
Selection 6
I think it's a good idea. Tell him to email me ^^ (Zen + Email from lame)
He really did clean up his hands?
Selection 7
Oh….Shower….>_< (Zen)
I should take a shower too! (<<)
23:22 – Jumin… Are you…
Character(s): Jaehee, Yoosung
Selection 1
Jaehee, Yoosung! Hi! (Alt Selection 1)
OMG! Jaehee! Zen was in a motorcycle gang! (Zen)
Alt Selection 1
Zen was in a motorcycle gang. (Jaehee)
Yoosung, you were never in a motorcycle gang, right? (<<)
Selection 2
I don't think he is. (Jumin)
I'm not interested either lol (Jaehee)
Selection 3
I think it'll be hard since he's so unapproachable. (Jaehee)
I think you're jumping to conclusions. (Jumin)
Selection 4
Still, he's so charismatic to make them sign contracts. I feel like dating won't be so hard for him. (<<)
I think Jumin will open up once he finds someone he likes. (Jumin)
Selection 5
They really live in a different world, lol. The relationship of rich people~ (<<)
So that's the case… (Jumin)
Selection 6
Are you sure? (<<)
Sound? (Alt Selection 2)
Alt Selection 2
You hear something? (<<)
It'd be nice to have Seven here right now. (707)
Selection 7
Don't spend too mush time on the game… (Jaehee)
Good bye… Oh, the one who seeks to be a hero. (Yoosung)
Selection 8
He just left. (<<)
Since we're alone here, I want to ask you something. Is Jumin… the heir? (Jumin)
Selection 9
Do you really think Jumin has no chance of finding someone he loves? (Jumin)
Does Seven date women? (707)
Selection 10
That damn cat; (<<)
So he really cares for animals. (Jumin)
Selection 11
Thanks, Jaehee. Bye. (Jaehee)
Good bye. (<<)
Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Deep Story ~ Day 2» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
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