Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Deep Story ~ Day 3

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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Deep Story ~ Day 3» on my website.
Hope you enjoy this story!
- Lavender Hearts = Han Jumin
- Gray Hearts = Zen (Ryu Hyun)
- Red Hearts = 707 (Seven, Choi Luciel)
- Green Hearts = Kim Yoosung
- Yellow Hearts = Kang Jaehee
- White Hearts = ???
If you wanna complete the Deep Story you need to select (mostly) the answers with Jumin, or 707 labels. Just select one character.
Full walkthrough, Mystic Messenger Deep Story ~ Day 3
Walkthrough ~ Deep Story ~ Day 3
00:55 – Stop playing game…
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
Did something happen? (Yoosung)
Hello. (<<)
Selection 2
Zen, hello. (<<)
Lovely Zen! You're here >_< Yay! (Zen)
Selection 3
What about LOLOL? Are they doing server maintenance or something? (Yoosung)
Stop playing that game. (Zen)
Selection 4
Games are meant to be played at night! (Yoosung)
I guess all the employees at the game company are working late… It must be hard for them. (Zen)
Selection 5
Why don't you use this time to study instead of complaining? (<<)
Cheer up! It will be over soon! (Yoosung)
Selection 6
It's not good for your skin to eat chips at this hours. Not good for your stomach too. (Zen)
Wow! I wanna try some! (Yoosung)
Why are you trying to save them so much? (<<)
Selection 7
I heard that a lot of guys living alone love to cook~ (Yoosung)
How about you Zen? Did you eat properly? (Zen)
Selection 8
Are you bragging that you're tall right now? (Alt Selection)
I find short guys attractive too ^^ (Yoosung)
Alt Selection
I do >_< (Zen)
No, not really… (<<)
Selection 9
So jealous of Zen. (Zen)
I guess you shouldn't be the one to nag, Zen, haha. (<<)
Selection 11
>_< What does it mean to be an adult, lovely Zen? >_< (Zen)
Uhm; Please don't say things like that. (<<)
Selection 12
Zen, what kind of exercise do you like to do? (Zen)
Yoosung, do you exercise? (Yoosung)
Selection 13
Don't be so harsh on Yoosung~ He'll take care of himself, haha. (Yoosung)
lolol Take after Zen! (Zen)
Selection 14
You just sound like you're making excuses. (Zen)
I understand. We have to battle through each day as if it's our last. (Yoosung)
Selection 15
lololol So cute! (Jumin)
;;;; (Zen)
Selection 16
Zen, you're so cute! OMG! (Zen)
Th cat's cute! (Jumin)
Selection 17
I just thought you were bragging about yourself; (Yoosung)
Why don't you try listening to Zen's advice? (Zen)
Selection 18
You don't have anything to do tomorrow? You should go to bed. (<<)
Good luck! Those who wait will be rewarded! (Yoosung)
Selection 19
I feel a bit frustrated. (Yoosung)
Won't V take care of everything? You said he's the leader. (<<)
Selection 20
Well, I think everyone's just being too nice and getting comfortable. (Yoosung)
Is V trustworthy? (<<)
Selection 21
Do you two not get along very well? (Yoosung)
Hmm… Let's try not to get so heated up. (Zen)
Selection 22
lolol You're very persistent. (Yoosung)
I like men who work out. (Zen)
Selection 23
;;; Is this really a poster for a musical? (Yoosung)
OMG! I luv this >_< (Zen)
Selection 24
The beauty that appalls mathematicians! (Zen)
Uhm; wtf (Yoosung)
Selection 25
lololol But that poster is kind of gay lolol (Yoosung)
Oh! Good idea! lol (Zen)
Selection 26
Good night! (<<)
Do you have anything more to improve? You want to challenge god? (Zen)
Selection 27
lol. I think Zen's narcissism is getting out of control. (Yoosung)
ERMAHGERD Save Zen's photo! Save and save again just in case. (Jaehee)
Selection 28
Try signing in lol (Yoosung)
You really sounds like a game addict lol (<<)
Selection 29
Good luck with it! (Yoosung)
Don't play it too much and go to sleep. (<<)
02:59 – Zorro poster
Character(s): Jaehee, Jumin
Selection 1
Jaehee, what are you still doing up? (<<)
Hi, Jaehee! How about you? (Jaehee)
Selection 2
Did you see that poster? It's kind of gay; (Jaehee Break)
OMGOMG >0< Zen Zen Zen!! My lovely Zen! (Zen + Alt Selection)
Alt Selection
The photooooo!!! (Jaehee)
I think I'm really falling in love with Zen, for real.
Selection 3
Wow. Do you have one? I want one too T_T (Jaehee)
Huh? I thought LOL's the game Yoosung's in love with? (Yoosung)
Selection 4
I think Jumin's logged in right now. No? (Jumin)
I mean, no one can beat Zen. (Jaehee)
Selection 5
I'd love to see it in person +_+ Will there be more shows? (Jaehee)
It is a bit promiscuous ^^; (Jumin)
Selection 6
Nah. Pass.
That's a good idea. (Jumin + Email from culture)
Selection 7
What an elegant schedule. (Jumin)
Lunch with the company chairman! It must be a super fancy lunch, hahaha! (Jumin BREAK)
Selection 8
congrats (<<)
I think Jumin's a bit flustered. (Jumin)
Selection 9
I think cat businesses will be really fun to work on. (Jumin)
So sorry Jaehee T_T (Jaehee)
Selection 10
New girlfriend…? Is Mr. Han single? (<<)
How short they last…? (Jumin)
Selection 11
…Again? (Jaehee)
OMG >_< It's still so cute! (Jumin)
Selection 12
Jumin, sleep tight! ^^ (Jumin)
Put on a face mask if you're going to meet your father. You have to look nice, haha. Isn't he your bet asset? (Jumin BREAK)
Selection 13
Did something happen between Jumin and his father? (Jumin)
I guess you never get any breaks, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Selection 14
Me too! Sleep tight! (Jaehee)
Good night. (<<)
07:46 – Stayed overnight T_T
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
Say it in one line plz. (<<)
Are you ok? (707)
Selection 2
I suppose your nasty skills have been acknowledge. (<<)
Feel like people trust others less and less these days T_T Such a cruel world!! (707)
Selection 3
Seems like you two talk often. He must really trust you. (707)
I want to hear V's voice. (<<)
Selection 4
I just wanna hang out with you too! Life is hard T_T (<<)
Thanks for saying that, but everyone's waiting for the party, so we can't let them down, haha. (707)
Selection 5
I think you are, uhm, a bit unique; And sometimes I don't get everything you say… (707 BREAK)
But don't you already know everything about me? (<<)
Selection 6
Oooh so cool! lol You're so on point! (707)
Why compare it to those? lol I'm a human. (707)
Selection 7
I wanna have Honey Buddha Chips and Doctor Pepper for breakfast too! lol (707)
Those are really bad for you. (<<)
Selection 8
Really? Wow, so jelly! (707)
You have boxes of potato chips?; Dude; Why do you live like that? (<<)
Selection 9
You're going to bed now? (<<)
Sleep tight ^^ (707)
09:58 – Love records of RFA
Character(s): Jaehee
Selection 1
Hiya! >_< Wachu up to? (<<)
Hi, Jaehee! ^^ Did you get to work okay? (Jaehee)
Selection 2
You have to eat properly too. If you just stuff your stomach with whatever because you're busy, it won't be good. (Jaehee)
Hope Seven's health doesn't get any worse… T_T (707)
Selection 3
Oh~ Congrats ^^ (Jaehee)
Don't you have to follow him everywhere if you are his assistant? (<<)
Selection 4
The conservative father vs. the liberal son type of thing? (<<)
Does he not get along with his father? (Jumin)
Selection 5
Having to organize them into a list?; I feel like that would be so irritating. (Jaehee)
Although Jumin always looks put together, maybe it's hard for him too… (Jumin)
Selection 6
I probably would have felt the same way in his shoes. (Jumin)
Jumin should just relax and enjoy it. lol Time to partyyy! (Jumin)
Selection 7
Haha…; Oops, sorry lol. I won't laugh lol (<<)
…Your love life will blossom one day! Cheer up! (Jaehee)
Selection 8
And??? (Jaehee)
Moon Fortune was the name? lololololol (<<)
Selection 9
lolol Well, that was obvious. (<<)
Oh no T_T I'm sorry. (Jaehee)
Selection 10
Nah. Not interested lol
I think it's a good idea. (Email from uranai)
Selection 11
Hearing you say that is making me really sad. (Jaehee)
Just eat whatever and finish the work you have left. lol (<<)
12:02 – Lunch
Character(s): 707, Jumin
Selection 1
Seven ^^ Good to see you! I had a light lunch. (707)
Secret. lol (<<)
Selection 2
lololol Sliced Honey Buddha Chips with me one day. (707)
It must be uncomfortable for him. Will he be okay? (Jumin)
Selection 3
Give Jumin Honey Buddha Chips!!! (707)
Jumin, how did the lunch go? (Jumin)
Selection 4
…Was it good? (Jumin)
What is that? lolololol A brick? lolol (707)
Selection 5
Why don't you get lessons from V?
lololol Such a gap moe
Selection 6
Shut up you rich dudes! (<<)
Master Seven! (707)
Your cars didn't seem to be economical. (Jumin)
Selection 7
Just like you cherishing you babies, Seven? lololol (707)
But can you chat with us when you're having lunch with your father? (Jumin)
Selection 8
You must be very uncomfortable right now. (Jumin)
You should much down that delicious steak!!! (707)
Selection 9
No I do not. I do not have the time to watch television. (Jaehee)
I have it on all the time. (<<)
Only what I like. (<<)
Selection 10
I know! My love Grandpa Lamsay!
I don't know
Selection 11
Jumin, it's not funny. Please stop. (Jumin)
…haha. (Jumin)
Selection 12
The photo wasn't great but I don't think Jumin can be perfect at everything. (Jumin)
Gosh~ I want to eat a perfectly grilled steak too. (<<)
Selection 13
I'm not interested in chefs.
Let's invite him to the party!! (Jumin + Email from chef)
Selection 14
You mean “Melanie” steak. (Jumin)
lololololol Melanin. (707)
Selection 15
You're going to get stupid if you eat that too much. (<<)
Never get sick of those chips lol But it's not good to eat chips all the time~ (707)
Selection 16
Seven just made that up lololol (Jumin)
There's also the Law of Melt and Chew (707 + Alt Selection)
Alt Selection
Come to think of it, it feels like a joke I shouldn't make. Just ignore it. (<<)
Melt it and then chew it. lol (707)
Selection 17
Wouldn't it be polite to turn your phone off now? (Jumin)
What's Mr. Han doing? (<<)
Selection 18
You don't think… No way… (707)
Just because he's his son, it doesn't mean they have to be alike. (Jumin)
Selection 19
Stop teasing him! I really don't think Jumin is ^^; (Jumin)
If you aren't, say so clearly +_+ (707)
Selection 20
Bye bye to your money source… (707)
Teasing him is all good and that, but it was a bit sensitice topic; (Jumin)
Selection 21
Seven, what if you pass out living like that. I'd be so sad T_T (707)
Just live a regular life. You're not a child. (707 BREAK)
Selection 22
Bye. (<<)
Good night then. Dream about me. (707)
13:59 – Honey Buddha Chips
Character(s): Yoosung, Jaehee
Selection 1
Hiya, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Hi, Jaehee~ (Jaehee)
Selection 2
Isn't kind of cute though, that Jumin takes really bad photos…? (Jumin)
Selection 3
Isn't there something fishy about Seven? (<<)
I wish he'd take care of himself… I guess he gets stressed out a lot. (707)
Selection 4
What is? (Jaehee)
Yeah; How can he have boxes of it? (???)
Selection 5
I want to know too!!! (Yoosung)
Maybe he's a regular at his local convenience store. (<<)
Selection 6
I don't know why anyone would bother to create an image like that. (Jaehee)
lolololololol (Yoosung)
Selection 7
It's kind of pathetic. I mean it's just potato chips. (Jaehee)
I want one too +_+ (Yoosung)
Selection 8
Guess he's close to the cashier? lol (<<)
Maybe he hacked somewhere to get it? (707)
Selection 9
lolol Save one for me too~ (Yoosung)
It's not good for you. ^^;; (<<)
Selection 10
Hmm. I think that's just a prejudice. (Yoosung)
Well, I think that's just because Yoosung's a looser. lol (Yoosung Break)
Selection 11
Nothing will change just by being jealous. (Jaehee)
I'm sure Jumin has his own struggles. (Jumin)
Selection 12
Let's all keep our courtesy. ^^ (Jaehee)
Jelly seconded. (Yoosung)
Selection 13
Isn't it a bit unfair to draw the line like that just because he was born in a different environment…? (Jumin)
Of course, I'm sure of it. (Yoosung + Jumin BREAK)
Selection 14
Have fun ^^ (Yoosung)
Just go. (Jaehee)
Selection 15
But aren't you going to school? (Jumin)
Talk to you later. Bye bye. (Yoosung)
Selection 16
Jumin's life feels a bit complicated
I can't believe that I'm talking about the Director of one of the largest companies in this country
Selection 17
Good bye. (<<)
You'll be okay, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
15:15 – Their life
Character(s): Zen, Jumin
Selection 1
Of course~^^
No T_T
Selection 2
I guess men who live by themselves can't help it. (<<)
Why can't they just resemble your looks; tsk tsk (Zen)
Selection 3
Ya. That's the one they should try to copy. (Zen)
Jumin, hello! (Jumin)
Selection 4
Jumin, do you eat properly? (Jumin)
Rich people are so different. (Zen)
Selection 5
Yeah. No wonder he's so comfortable with his father. (Zen)
What do you mean? (Jumin)
Selection 6
Am I the only one who thinks that's just an excuse? (Zen)
I guess Jumin has his own reasons. (Jumin)
Selection 7
I guess he's a good father. (Jumin)
Can't believe that. lol (Zen)
Selection 8
OMG, a diamond? (<<)
What's that? (Jumin)
Selection 9
Can I have one? Hahaha… (Jumin)
It was really kind of him. (Jumin)
Selection 10
It's on a totally different scale… but it's nice that you give gifts to each other. (Jumin)
I'd feel like I'd always be nervous about losing a pen like that; (Zen)
Selection 11
Jumin, aren't you being too square? lol (Zen)
I may sound a bit uptight, but you have to be careful of comparing women to objects. (Jumin)
Selection 12
Oh~ New information! Jumin knows everything. (Jumin)
;;;; You're kidding? (<<)
Selection 13
No really interested.
Let's do that lol (Jumin + Email from monnami)
Selection 14
I'm sure he has other issues. No one's life is that simple. (Jumin)
So jealous~ I want to have the sweet life and have everything I want too. (Jumin)
Selection 15
Celebrities…!? (Zen)
Maybe you should be careful to bring it up since it's a sensitive topic? (Jumin)
Selection 16
…Really? Well, sorry to hear that. (???)
I think Jumin's a bit too square. lol (Zen)
Selection 17
Go and rest! Don't get too stressed out, Jumin. (Jumin)
Good bye. (<<)
Selection 18
I feel like Jumin will have his own problems just like everyone else. (Jumin)
Are you jealous too? (<<)
Selection 19
But don't you think Jumin's passionate about his work too? (Jumin)
You're so awesome, Zen… I can almost feel you passion. (Zen)
Selection 20
Good bye, Zen~ Good luck today! I really hope to see you on stage some day. (Zen)
Good bye. (<<)
17:00 – Tell me, Seven!
Character(s): 707, Yoosung
Selection 1
Seven~ Calm down. (707)
Yoosung… It's okay, I'll take care of you. (Yoosung)
Selection 2
Still, be thankful that you have a place to work. (???)
It must be tough T_T (707)
Selection 3
Tsk tsk. Not everyone can do that, you know. (707)
I'm a bit curious too. (Yoosung)
Selection 4
Let's sell her autograph and make money money!! (707)
Are you a fan of Glam Choi? (<<)
Selection 5
Who's Tom? Is he your friend? (<<)
Tom… Such a familiar name. I feel like there's at least one Tom in every neighborhood. (707)
Selection 6
I think you'll have a better chance of finding her contacts but hacking lol (<<)
…Wouldn't that be a bit rude? (Jumin)
Selection 7
I'm a bit nervous too. (Yoosung)
I'm just keeping my faith in V. (707)
Selection 8
Yoosung, let's just wait a bit more~ (<<)
I'm a bit worried too. Everyone's getting really excited about it. What if it just doesn't happen? (Yoosung)
Selection 9
Yoosung, I appreciate you thinking of me. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, first calm down~ (<<)
Selection 10
I'm sure V and everyone else will take care of it. (707)
I'd prefer it to be relatively small as well. (Yoosung)
Selection 11
Haha. Don't worry. I understand. (Yoosung)
What, Yoosung… Is that what this was about? (707)
Selection 12
I hope we don't have to wait too long, though. (Yoosung)
I agree. (707)
Selection 13
I want to know too. (Yoosung)
You were nice and Santa brought it to you? (707)
Selection 14
A story leads to another story and that leads to another… (707)
Just hurry and tell us, haha. (<<)
Selection 15
Ha… (<<)
It must be an emergency!! Everyone evacuate! (707)
Selection 16
Ya… He just ran off. (Yoosung)
I really can't get ahold of Seven. (<<)
Selection 17
Okay… Don't worry. The party will happen for sure. (<<)
I was getting worried to be honest, so thanks for telling me. (Yoosung)
Selection 18
It's not good to spend so much time playing games. (Jaehee)
Okay. Don't strain yourself~ (Yoosung)
18:59 – Misson WHoney BuddhaW
Character(s): Zen, 707
Selection 1
I did. How about you, Seven? (707)
Well, I'm craving your pheromone more than dinner, Zen. (Zen)
Selection 2
Have you ever been exploited before? (707)
Zen, how about you? (Zen)
Selection 3
I want to know! God Seven! (707)
I'm not curious either. (Zen)
Selection 4
Black market? That's horrible! (707)
Yoosung… He should be here! (Yoosung)
Selection 5
The… the silhouette! A criminal! (707)
Could you please give us a warning? You surprised me. (Zen)
Selection 6
lol (Zen)
Anyway! (707)
Selection 7
I see some contradiction there. (Zen)
God Seven, defender of justice!! (707)
Selection 8
T_T... I should go wipe my tears. (707)
So… What did you do? (<<)
Selection 9
More money!!! Hell yes!!! (707)
…; I just feel like you're doing whatever to get more money? (Zen)
Selection 10
OMG So awesome~! You're so great, Seven! (707)
Talking about racing reminds me of when Zen was in a motorcycle gang. (Jaehee)
Selection 11
lololol Not really convincing? (Jaehee)
So cool! (707)
Selection 12
Don't cover the whole chat room; (Zen)
Eeeekeeekkeekkk! (<<)
Selection 13
Wow. How? (707)
No… You didn't steal the whole thing, did you? (<<)
Selection 14
I don't think it was right that you were paid with chips instead of actual money. (<<)
Good for you!! You didn't get a dime for it but at least you got Honey Buddha Chips!!! (707)
Selection 15
I'll pass;
Oooh stock market genius! That's a good idea. (707 + Email from stock)
Selection 16
Bye, Zen. (<<)
I'm jealous of your food, Zen…. It's gonna feel your pheromone… (Zen)
Selection 17
Are you going to get something warm?
You're not going to microwave the chips, are you?
Selection 18
…Eat all the junk you want. (707 Break)
Take care of your health~ I'll be sad if you get sick T_T (707)
Selection 19
Good bye. (<<)
Enjoy it! And take care of yourself~ (707)
20:01 – About the party
Character(s): V, Jumin
Selection 1
Hello, V!
Hey hey
Selection 2
Hey. (<<)
Jumin, good that you're here ^^ (Jumin)
Selection 3
I'm sure he'll take care of it. Seven seems to be working hard too. (707)
If you just tell us everything, Yoosung won't have to worry anymore. (<<)
Selection 4
You guys seem very close. (Jumin)
You only talk to Seven. (707)
Selection 5
To be honest, I love talking to Seven! (707)
I don't feel pressured at all. Everyone's being nice, especially Jumin. (Jumin)
To be honest, it's hard for me to get used to everything. (<<)
Selection 6
I'd love to get close to you one day just like V is, Jumin. (Jumin)
You must know each other's families too. (<<)
Selection 7
I think it's okay to be interested. Maybe she might be a good person. (Jumin)
Women are all the same. (<<)
Selection 8
Yeah. Jumin's just different from birth. (Jumin)
Please don't draw the line like that. (Jumin)
Selection 9
Thank you for caring about the party! I'll work hard too. (<<)
Please set it asap for everyone. I think Yoosung's having a hard time. (Yoosung)
Selection 10
I think it's a good idea. Let's invite her! (Email from Rui)
Hmm… I'm not sure.
Selection 11
Don't forget to set the date. Yoosung and I are waiting desperately! (Yoosung)
It was fun talking to you. Good bye. ^^ (<<)
Selection 12
You don't meet with V often? (<<)
I feel like you two haven't seen each other for a while… (Jumin)
Selection 13
Okay. Good night. (<<)
Yes. I'm glad I got to see a new side of you today. I'll be able to sleep well tonight. (Jumin)
22:14 – Something in common
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
Uhm…; You're so cheesy… (<<)
Hey hey hey! (707)
Hello. It's a nice evening today. (<<)
Selection 2
You'll get the chance to talk with him!
I thought you two talk regularly?
Selection 3
I hope the date gets set soon. (707)
Yoosung did make a bit of a fuss. (<<)
Selection 4
No. T_T (707)
I do. (Alt Selection 1)
Alt Selection 1
Just normal. lol We sort of know everything about each other as if we're each other diaries. (Alt Selection 2)
I do… but we're not close anymore. (<<)
Alt Selection 2
>__< (707)
Is that what you do? Figure out what I'm up to like a criminal? -_- (<<)
Selection 5
I'm jealous of V… I'd like to get more comfortable with Jumin too. (Jumin)
Should I start nagging you like a childhood friend, Seven? lol (707)
Selection 6
You don't have any childhood friends? (707)
Yeah right. I don't think so. (<<)
Selection 7
Ms. Mary Vanderwood? (<<)
Yes.. Maybe that person is already nearby you/// (707)
Selection 8
Stop messing around lol (<<)
What's wrong? Emergency? (707)
Selection 9
Yup! Start taking care of yourself from now on~! I'd like to take care of you myself. lol (707)
Well, you must face the consequences of your actions. (707)
Selection 11
I don't know who she is, but she must have a lot of time. (707)
I guess you two are close? lol (707)
Selection 12
Just go lol (<<)
T_T Don't go T_T (707)
Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Deep Story ~ Day 3» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
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