Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Yoosung ~ Day 5

Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Yoosung ~ Day 5
Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Yoosung ~ Day 5

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If you wanna complete Yoosung's Casual Story and see Good Ending you need to select the answers that a bold. If you wanna get the Bad Endings then select the answers that are marked with *.

Full walkthrough, Mystic Messenger ~ Yoosung ~ Day 5 (Kim Yoosung, Casual Story)

Walkthrough ~ Yoosung ~ Day 5

01:28 – The picture of the last party

Character(s): 707

Selection 1

What are you doing at night? (<<)
Seven, you're still not sleeping? (707)

Selection 2

Yoosung feels a bit different from now. (Yoosung)
Seven you're good looking. (*707)

Selection 3

And the other members? (<<)
Jaehee must have been nervous. (707)

Selection 4

Good memories. (Alt Selection 1)
Do you think this party will be as successful? (<<)

Alt Selection 1

Yoosung seems happy too. (Yoosung)
Do you have any photos of Rika?

Selection 5

Did something happen? (Alt Selection 2)
What was he like before? (Yoosung)

Selection 6

I guess it's nice to take a break since he went to college.
Did anything else happen? (Yoosung)

Selection 7

He's only a sophomore. He still has a lot of time. (Yoosung)

Selection 8

I do shield him.
Nah. It's nothing like that. (<<)

Selection 9

It was good talking to you, Seven ^^ (707)

03:22 – Robotic Assistant Kang

Character(s): Jumin, Jaehee

Selection 1

What are you guys doing this late?
Did you see the photo Seven sent? (<<)

Selection 2

Jaehee must have been nervous lolol (Jaehee)
I think Yoosung is quite different now compared to back then.

Selection 3

Maybe he's decided to relax for a while. (*707)
Maybe Yoosung changed.. because of Rika's death? (Yoosung)

Selection 4

Golf clothing company? How about inviting them to the party? (Email from golf)
Hope it goes well, both of you.

07:35 – Yoosung in the past

Character(s): Yoosung

Selection 1

Yoosung, good morning ^^(*)
Did you brush your teeth after waking up? (Yoosung)

Selection 2

I should be in the photo this time, right? lol (Yoosung + Alt Selection)
I heard you were student body president back then.

Alt Selection

Let's take photos of memories we'll never forget. (Yoosung)
I want to take a photo with just you. (*Yoosung)

Selection 3

Oh~ I'm touched! haha (Yoosung)
Of course you do. (*Yoosung)

Selection 4

I will. (Yoosung)
Don't feel too burdened though. ^^ (*Yoosung)

09:43 – I like how things are now.

Character(s): Zen

Selection 1

Zen, good morning. (<<)
Heya Zen.

Selection 2

I think Yoosung is actually a very talented person. (Yoosung)
I think it'll be more comfortable for him to work at a company since he's the obedient cute puppy type. (*Yoosung)

Selection 3

I wish he could just do as I say. (*Yoosung)
I like seeing a relaxed Yoosung too. (Yoosung)

Selection 4

Wish luck to Yoosung ^^ (Yoosung)
Good bye, Zen. (*Zen)

12:30 – Can I wind a spring?

Character(s): 707, Jaehee

Selection 1

Jaehee, did you eat lunch? (Jaehee)
Seven, did you eat lunch? (707)

Selection 2

lololol You looked pretty in that photo, Jaehee. (<<)
I think Seven looks best in this photo. (707)

Selection 3
I am a bit suspicious of Seven too. (Jaehee)
Aren't you being too aggressive? (707)

Selection 4

Aren't you changing the subject? (<<)
What's a floppy disk?

Selection 5

It's a funny group.
Invite them to the party! (Email from floppy)

Selection 6

I'm worried about Yoosung's future.
I hope Yoosung becomes happy one day. (Yoosung)
I don't care about the past. I just want him to look at me… only me. (*Yoosung)

Selection 7

You're no longer busy?
What the hell do you really do? (Alt Selection)

Alt Selection

Okay, alright. (707)
Can't you tell me a tiny bit…?

Selection 8

Send Jumin my love. (Jumin)
Good bye, Jaehee. (<<)

Selection 9

Don't think you're a victim.
Do't you think it's because you tease Jaehee the most? (707)
Maybe something is wrong with your attitude towards her. (707 Break!)

Selection 10

Good bye, Seven. (<<)
Okay. Thank you, Seven. (707)

13:22 – Yoosung's concern

Character(s): Yoosung

Selection 1

Why are you so late. (*Yoosung)
Yoosung, did you eat lunch? (Yoosung + Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1

I did. (<<)
Not yet.

Selection 2

Omg T_T Look at my hand. (Get Photo)
Weren't you just spacing out? (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 2

Muah Muah (Yoosung)
Be careful from now on.. (*Yoosung)

Selection 3

Yes. What is it? (*)
Say whatever you want to ^^ (Yoosung)

Selection 4

He seems like a nice person to me.. (*707)
I feel like he's scheming something in secret. (Yoosung)

Selection 5

I can be responsible for you, Yoosung. (*Yoosung)
There must be something that only you can do. (Yoosung)

Selection 6

I'll be watching you. Do a good job. (*Yoosung)
Good luck! ^^ (Yoosung)

15:43 – Zen with an injury

Character(s): Zen

Selection 1

Did you finish rehearsal? (Zen + Alt Selection 1)
Hello, Zen. (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 1

Did you do something wrong?

Alt Selection 2

Why are you crying all of a sudden? You wimp lol
What's up? (<<)

Selection 2

You should take care of your body.
Oh no… does it hurt a lot? (Zen)

Selection 4

If you push yourself too much, you're bound to harm other people too. (Zen Break)
Don't be so gloomy… Your health is more important. (Zen)

Selection 5

Then… how about inviting that doctor organization to the party? (Email from hospital)
I'm glad it was a good hospital.

Selection 6

Cheer up, Zen. (Zen)
You will get better before the party though, right?

18:25 – A way of releasing anxiety

Character(s): Jumin, Yoosung

Selection 1

Jumin, did you come back from work? (*Jumin)
Yoosung, how was the library? (Yoosung)

Selection 2

I'm worried that Zen works too much. (*Zen)
He has to get better before the party. (Yoosung + Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1

I want to make a lot of memories with you too, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
I'm excited to see how cute you are in real life.

Selection 3

Jumin, it must be difficult… (*Alt Selection 2)
Yoosung, how was studying today? (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 2

Good job, Yoosung.
Say it more cutely (*Yoosung)

Selection 4

I would want to hire you as an intern too, Yoosung. (*Alt Selection 3)
Yoosung, you want to work at Jumin's company? (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 3

I think it will be fun working with Yoosung~! (Yoosung)
I want to make him do anything. (*Yoosung)

Selection 5

You should take on challenges with more devotion. (*Jumin)
You should experience different things. (Yoosung)

Selection 6

Because life is hard. (*)
Yoosung is not helpless. (Yoosung + Alt Selection 4)

Alt Selection 4

I want to be someone who helps you, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
You'll never escape from me now.

Selection 9

All you need in this world is to be with the ones you love. (*Yoosung)
Don't feel sad… I'm here. (Yoosung)

Selection 10

That's good advice. (*Jumin)
What is making you talk like an old man… (Yoosung, Jumin Break)

Selection 11

Aren't you mixing me up with Rika now? (*Yoosung)
That's for saying that. (Yoosung)

Selection 12

Of course. We're different people. (Yoosung)
I feel a bit similar to her… I feel like I can be what Rika used to be to Yoosung. (*Yoosung)

Selection 13

What…?! (Jumin Break)
Yoosung is mine. (Alt Selection?)

Alt Selection?

You're mine. (*Yoosung)
We will have eachother. (Yoosung)

Selection 14

Yoosung, think of it as fun. Everything will work out. (Yoosung)
Everything will work out if you just listen to me, Yoosung. (*Yoosung)

20:11 – Jaehee worries about Zen

Character(s): Jaehee

Selection 1

Jaehee, did you see Yoosung? (Yoosung + Alt Selection)
Jaehee, do you know that Zen hurt his ankle? (*Jaehee)

Alt Selection

…The jealousy of a lonely person?
Are you not feeling well because he go hurt? (Jaehee)

Selection 2

My Zen… I hope he takes care of himself.
I don't think I'll be able to forgive the world if Zen gets a scar on his ankle. (*Jaehee)
I'm glad Yoosung doesn't do anything physical! He won't get hurt. (Yoosung)

Selection 3

You must really like Zen. (Jaehee)
Did you find someone that can help the party?

Selection 4

I think they will be of help. Please tell them to contact me. (Email from musical)
I'll think about it…

Selection 5

Have a good evening~ (Jaehee)
Good bye.

21:45 – The people who makes games

Character(s): 707, Yoosung

Selection 1

Seven, what are you doing here? (*707)
I'm here, Yoosung (Yoosung)

Selection 2

I don't believe it either lolol (Yoosung)
Cat leaves from California work best. (*707)

Selection 3

Cat leaves.
You're lying. (<<)

Selection 4

I can't trust what Seven says. (Yoosung + Alt Selection)
Since he treats his injuries with cat leaves and Elizabeth, He'd heal quickly… (*707)

Alt Selection

Yoosung will be able to defeat those bodyguards! (<<)

Selection 5

Yoosung, you've grown up! (Yoosung)
Seven, don't you know how to make games? (*)

Selection 6

Omg… (<<)

Selection 7

Yoosung, why don't you try learning how to make games? (Yoosung)
Seven, clean up your room. (*707)

Selection 8

It's a good idea. (Email from indie)
I'll think about it.

Selection 10

Don't think too much about the past and think about me too. (*Yoosung)
That's a good plan, Yoosung. (Yoosung)

Selection 11

I hope Yoosung is only serious towards me. (*Yoosung)
Serious Yoosung is cool. (Yoosung)

Selection 12

My pleasure. (Yoosung)
I feel like I should take care of Yoosung. (*Yoosung)

23:07 – After looking at the old photo

Character(s): Yoosung

Selection 1

Don't stay up too late. (*Yoosung)
How is cleaning going? (Yoosung)

Selection 2

You didn't have feelings for Rika, did you? (*Yoosung)
Volunteering work… was it fun? (Yoosung)

Selection 3

Rika seems like a fantastic person. (Alt Selection)
I think I have a lot of similarities with Rika. (*Yoosung)

Alt Selection

I am not Rika though. (Yoosung)
I want to be like Rika.

Selection 4

It must have been really hard… (Yoosung)
If I was there for you, it would have been less difficult. (*Yoosung)

Selection 5

I'm not the same person as Rika, but I want to be someone valuable to you. (Yoosung)
You can think of me as Rika. If only you can be mine. (*Yoosung)

Selection 6

Please just follow me from now on. (*Yoosung)
Yoosung, you're so cute. (Yoosung)

Selection 7

I'm going to go to bed. (Yoosung)
Yes. (*Yoosung)

The Next Day: Day 6

Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Yoosung ~ Day 5» on my website.

I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~

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