Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Jaehee ~ Day 7

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Full walkthrough, Mystic Messenger ~ Jaehee ~ Day 7 (Kang Jaehee, Casual Story)
Walkthrough ~ Jaehee ~ Day 7
00:45 – My heart is beating!
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
Jaehee finally went to Zen's house lolol (Jaehee)
Yoosung, what are you doing this late? (*Yoosung)
Selection 2
The two of them? Jaehee's mine… No. (Jaehee)
You are definitely getting ahead of yourself lololol (*Yoosung + Jaehee?)
Selection 3
I don't really feel like it.
That's so cute lolol Let's invite them. (Email from monogomy)
Selection 4
Whatever happens, I hope Jaehee's happy. (Jaehee)
I don't think they'll start dating ^^; Jaehee has to work. (*Jaehee)
Selection 5
catch a lot of trolls and bring world peace. (*Yoosung)
Don't get too obsessed over it. (<<)
02:01 – Zen's room
Character(s): Jaehee
Selection 1
Jaehee, I hope work is going well? (*Jaehee)
Jaehee, can't fall asleep at Zen's house? (Jaehee)
Selection 2
That's sad…
What can you do… Zen's busy. And so are you. (*Jaehee)
I'm glad that at least you're there. (Jaehee)
Selection 3
I think that's being a bit intrusive. Besides you have so much work to do. (*Jaehee)
Zen won't think that. He'll see that you are just being kind. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
Did you grow up with nice parents? (Jaehee)
I think you should be less sentimental and focus on your work. (*Jaehee)
I feel sorry for Zen…
Selection 5
Yes, good luck. (*)
Don't work yourself too hard and take care of yourself~ (<<)
08:15 – Jaehee and the vacation?
Character(s): Zen, Jumin
Selection 1
Hello. Zen, did Jaehee get some sleep last night? (Jaehee + Zen)
Jumin, good morning. (*Jumin)
Selection 2
I think going to see Zen is disrupting Jaehee's work. (*Jaehee)
Zen, how are you feeling?
I think Jaehee needs a holiday. (Jaehee)
Selection 3
Must be nice to be with Jaehee~ I want to go there too~ (Jaehee)
Should I go this time? (*Jaehee + Zen)
Selection 4
Jaehee must be happy to earn so much money. (*Jumin)
Never probably. I just feel bad that Jaehee never gets a day off because of the company's ridiculous schedule. (Jaehee)
Selection 5
When you're young, it's better to work and save money than to rest. (*Jaehee + Jumin)
I think she'll really cheer up if you encourage her a bit, Jumin… (Jaehee)
Selection 6
The world already revolves around capitalism. You have to accept the rules. (*Jaehee + Jumin)
Jumin, I think that's too black and white. (Zen)
Selection 7
Jaehee might be… really feminine on the inside. (Jaehee)
Jaehee worked as an assistant for a long time. I think she treated you just as she treats Jumin. (*Jaehee)
Selection 8
Zen~ Are you going to reject me too~? (*Zen)
Zen, you didn't let Jumin help you? (Jumin)
Selection 9
I knew Zen's a sexist. (*Jaehee)
It is a man's instinct to be weak to women. (Zen)
Selection 10
They don't really suit each other. (*Jaehee)
Jaehee and Zen aren't like that. (Jaehee)
Selection 11
She seems to have been raised by a good family… She got elite education. (*Jaehee)
I did guess that she grew up in a difficult environment since she's so strong. (Jaehee)
Selection 12
Jaehee will feel sad if you say that… (Jaehee)
It's not good to be too dependent though. (*Jaehee)
Selection 13
Zen, don't work too hard. (*Jaehee)
Don't give Jaehee too much work, Jumin. Good bye. (Jumin)
10:48 – I need to rest!
Character(s): 707, Yoosung
Selection 1
Jaehee must be busy, right? (Jaehee)
Seven, did you find something? (*707)
Selection 2
;;;; (Yoosung)
Seven, no way you didn't find anything yet, right? (707)
Selection 3
Are they that strong? (707)
You have a thick skin to come here without finding anything.
Selection 4
You're not trying to invite him to the party, are you?
Who's that? (<<)
Selection 5
I'll think about inviting him ;; (Email from tom)
We can't invite someone we've never even heard of. (<<)
Selection 6
I hope Jaehee and Zen become good friends. (Jaehee)
I think Seven's out of his mind. (*)
Selection 7
I don't care as long as Jaehee's happy… (Jaehee)
I think it'll be boring if they date each other… They'll probably just work. (*Jaehee)
Selection 8
I'm getting more worried if it's taking Seven that long.
Seven, go and rest first. (<<)
Selection 9
lolol Be careful, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Sleep tight, Seven. (707)
12:30 – Cat hotel
Character(s): Jumin
Selection 1
You're very busy I assume? (Jumin)
Hello, Jumin. (<<)
Selection 2
I guess our Jaehee's very busy too then. (Jaehee)
You must be really stressed.. (*Jumin)
Selection 3
Your father must still be… very robust. (Jumin)
So you've fallen for your father's scheme?
Selection 4
It's important to deal with the stress. (*Jumin + Jaehee)
You want to start more projects!? (Jaehee)
Selection 5
I don't know about that… So you mean you're making more work?
Fi, first… Invite him. (Email from cathotel)
Selection 6
That's so cool! (*Jaehee + Jumin)
I'm worried Jaehee will have more work… (Jaehee)
Selection 7
Don't be like that and give some of the work to others. I think Jaehee will be too stressed out. (Jaehee)
Don't think there will be a problem if you play her extra for the work. (*Jaehee)
Selection 8
Hooray for cats!! (*Jumin)
Don't think that will happen… Why can't you try stepping in her shoes? (Jaehee)
Selection 9
I think you are being too harsh on Jaehee… (<<)
Good luck!
13:46 – NO WAY!
Character(s): Zen
Selection 1
Zen, what do you think about the cat hotel? (*Zen)
Jaehee's going to have so much work. What do we do T_T (Jaehee)
Selection 2
I feel so bad for Jaehee… I'm worried. (Jaehee)
I think so too… lololol
I want to see you in pain.
Selection 3
I think Jumin's too obsessed with cats.
How much money do you think she makes? She must make a lot… So jealous. (*Jaehee)
I think work takes up too much in Jaehee's life. I'm worried. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
The security's really strict~ You totally deserve it. (Zen)
You'll probably have to take a security guard everywhere once you get more popular. (<<)
Selection 5
Yes. He sounds like a nice person. (Email from kim)
That's a bit too private ^^;
Selection 6
I'm always cheering for Jaehee. (Alt Selection)
Well, she's just an employee. What choice does she have? (*Jaehee)
Alt Selection
I'm sure she'll really be encouraged if you cheer for her ^^
I really respect Jaehee. I like her so much. (Jaehee)
Selection 7
I'm gonna grab a snack!
I should get some rest too. (<<)
I was in the middle of something.
15:55 – What's so great about coffee
Character(s): Jaehee, Yoosung
Selection 1
Jaehee, you must be very busy. (Jaehee)
Yoosung, meow~ (*Yoosung + Jaehee Break!)
Selection 2
Take care of yourself first… I'm worried. (Jaehee)
You're going to Zen's again? You're not going to work? (*Jaehee)
Selection 3
Jaehee… Cheer up! I'm cheering for you. (Jaehee)
Having a lot of work is good! (*Jaehee)
Selection 4
That's good! Aren't you inseparable with coffee? I feel like you'd drink a lot while working… (Jaehee)
I guess having a lot of work suits you. It'll be nice to just work. (*Jaehee)
Selection 5
Jaehee, you're so smart~! (Jaehee + Alt Selection)
Yoosung, didn't you join a coffee club?
Alt Selection
To be honest, I don't know if you're happy with your job.
If you are interested in coffee why don't you try studying it more? (<<)
Selection 6
I'd feel happy just to serve Jumin everyday in your position… (*Jumin)
I'm almost jealous of Jumin to have such a hard-working employee under him. (Jaehee)
Selection 7
Have hope…! It might be a good start to work at Jumin's company. (Jaehee)
Well that's how everyone lives… You should be thankful just to have a job. (*)
Selection 8
Jaehee, be careful. And cheer up ^^ (Jaehee)
Hope you work hard… (*Jaehee)
17:22 – Hacker
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
Seven, did you find anything? (<<)
Seven, you are taking care of yourself, right? (707)
Selection 2
It didn't turn out to be your friend, right? (<<)
Who is it? (<<)
Selection 3
Now what are you going to do? (<<)
Why did they attack us? (<<)
Selection 4
You mean… they know each other? (<<)
Then I'm getting a bit suspicious of V. (<<)
Selection 5
I wonder if everything will work out… (<<)
You did so well, Seven. (707)
Selection 6
Anyway, I'm glad we finally have a better grasp on what's going on. (<<)
lolololol No way -_- (<<)
Selection 7
So Jaehee should continue being with Zen? (Jaehee)
I think Jaehee can stop going to Zen's house now. (*Jaehee)
Selection 8
I think Jumin is going overboard… It's so harsh on Jaehee. (Jaehee)
I think Jaehee should be focusing more on work than on Zen. (*Jaehee)
Selection 9
You cat sitting is a bit… -_-;; (Alt Selection)
I know you'll be a great dad of cats, Seven! (707)
Alt Selection
Don't say that when she's already busy enough.
I'm jealous to see Jaehee get so much work haha. (*Jaehee)
Selection 10
You did so well, Seven~! Get some rest. (707)
Talk to you next time. (<<)
19:30 – New side of Jaehee
Character(s): Yoosung, Zen
Selection 1
Zen, how is Jaehee? (Jaehee + Zen)
Seven finally traced the hacker. (*Yoosung)
Selection 2
I think he'll take care of it. (Zen)
I don't know V very well, so I'm nervous. (Yoosung)
Selection 3
I hope we're all safe very soon. (<<)
Can't we just report them to the police? (<<)
Selection 4
I hope he's not trying to hide something from us. (<<)
Let's just wait until we get more news. (<<)
Selection 5
Jaehee hasn't been showing up here much today. Is she really busy? (<<)
Why don't you try quitting lolol (Yoosung)
Selection 6
You just have to get better soon. ^^ (*Zen)
I'm jealous that you get to eat something that she cooked… (Jaehee)
Selection 7
If someone wants to kidnap you… would it be as if they want to steal God's treasure? (*Zen)
Jaehee's so cute to think that lololol (Jaehee)
Selection 8
You're pretty dull to just realize that. (*)
She seemed to really like how passionate you are. (Jaehee)
Selection 9
I think you must be something to have Jaehee as your fan. (Jaehee)
Since you tried so hard. (*Zen)
Selection 10
But actually… I feel like she's going there despite being so busy… because she has different intentions towards (*Jaehee)
I'm glad to be a positive influence on her ^^ (Jaehee)
Selection 11
I feel like she's so busy she doesn't spend time appreciating herself. (Jaehee)
An office worker shouldn't be a leader and just obey the system… (*Jaehee)
Selection 12
She should be thankful to just have a job… She's blessed enough. (*)
If people around her support her… won't she find a path that makes her happy? (Yoosung + Jaehee)
Selection 13
Monster recovery rate… So cool. Probably a gazillion dollars. (*Zen)
You should give her something in return when you're better haha. (Jaehee)
Selection 14
Get better soon~! (*Zen)
Take care of Jaehee for me ^^ (Jaehee)
21:26 – Adding more work
Character(s): Jumin, Jaehee
Selection 1
Jumin, you're going to give Jaehee more work, right? (Alt Selection 1)
Jaehee, how is Zen? (Zen)
Alt Selection 1
Stop giving Jaehee work… She has enough already~! (Jaehee)
I know everything~ about your pattern, Jumin (*Jumin)
Selection 2
You must be glad to know he trusts you haha. (*Jaehee)
I think this is too much for Jaehee… She's really busy… (Jaehee + Alt Selection 2)
Alt Selection 2
Wasn't Jaehee really interested in that project? She worked so hard on it. Just transferring it doesn't seem nice… (Jaehee)
Jaehee~ Just let it go. You don't need more work.
Selection 3
What's the problem? Aren't you just supposed to do what Jumin tell you to do? (*Jaehee + Jumin)
Jaehee can't work like a robot, Jumin… It's emotionally draining too. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
You must be excited to get more work~! (*Jaehee)
Jaehee, aren't you working too much? Please… take care of yourself. (Jaehee)
Selection 5
It's a good group. I'd like to invite them. (Email from musical)
I'll think about it.
Selection 6
Jaehee… if it's too hard, just let it go. There might be something else that can make you happy. (Jaehee)
Okay, I won't bother you~ Hope you get a lot done~ (*Jaehee)
23:00 – Deal
Character(s): Zen, 707
Selection 1
I feel so bad for her… What if she gets sick or something? (Jaehee)
It's be nice if she could work faster. (*Jaehee + 707)
Selection 2
The answer is for Jaehee to finish her work quickly. (*Jaehee)
It's not because of you. I think it's because Jumin can't understand what she is going through. (Jaehee)
Selection 3
Yeah, Seven, why don't you just do it? lolol (Jaehee)
It's Jaehee's job. She has to do it. (*Jaehee)
Selection 4
Oh~ For Jaehee? That's nice of you. (<<)
I'm against it. I think Jaehee should do her own work. (*Jaehee)
Selection 5
Get some rest, you two. (Zen + 707)
Zen, tell Jaehee I said hello~ (<<)
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