Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: 707 ~ Day 6
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Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: 707 ~ Day 6» on my website.
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If you wanna complete 707's Deep Story and see Good Ending you need to select the answers that a bold. If you wanna get the Bad Endings then select the answers that are marked with *.
Full walkthrough, Mystic Messenger ~ 707 ~ Day 6 (Seven, Choi Luciel, Deep Story)
- Prologue
- Day 1
- Deep Story ~ Day 2
- Deep Story ~ Day 3
- Deep Story ~ Day 4
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 5
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 6
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 7
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 8
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 9
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 10
- Deep Story ~ 707 ~ Day 11
Walkthrough ~ 707 ~ Day 6
01:33 – Mysterious email
Character(s): Jaehee
Selection 1
Did you find that Tripter bot that Seven made? (707)
Jaehee, good evening. (Jaehee)
Selection 2
I have dibs on Seven so watch out…!! (*707)
Is something up? (Jaehee)
Selection 3
I don't feel good about it… (<<)
Selection 4
I think you should talk to the cyber police. (*707)
Yes… I don't feel good about it. You should ask Seven. (707)
Selection 5
I'm kind of worried about Seven. He doesn't seem very well. (707)
I don't think Seven is really helpful to anyone right now. (*707)
Selection 6
I'll try talking to him… (707)
I don't really think we should worry. (*707)
Selection 7
Good bye. (<<)
If you have any good photos, share them with me! Good night! (Jaehee)
03:17 – Strange Alarm
Character(s): Zen
Selection 1
Hello, Zen… What about the email? (Zen)
I missed u lovely Zen
Selection 2
I think Seven would say it's just a spam message. (707)
I wish my hubby would check the messenger asap. (*707)
Selection 3
He never makes sense anyways, I don't think there's anything to worry about. (*707)
I'm quite worried… (707)
Selection 4
Shouldn't we avoid him if he has a dangerous job? (*707, Yoosung Break)
I think so too… (707)
Selection 5
I wish nothing like that every happens to Seven. (707)
Zen, I think you watched to many movies; (*707)
Selection 6
I do think that none of us know much about Seven… I want to know more about him. (707)
I'm sure he's a suspicious and twisted man. (*707)
Selection 7
Why does he need to live so complicatedly?
Just think about it makes me sad… (707)
Selection 8
Why are suddenly talking about relationships? haha (<<)
I want to be in a relationship! I'm desperate! I need the universe to help me!!! (*707)
I'm not really interested in dating;
Selection 9
Time for some night time snacks! (Zen)
Just starve. Look at the time;
Selection 10
I want to dream about Seven. (707)
I will! (*Zen)
08:35 – I'm recovered!
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
What Zen said last night… He was really considerate. (Zen)
Are you feeling better now?^^ (707)
Selection 2
No need to be sorry… (707)
I wish God Seven would cheer up soon!! (*707)
Selection 3
Ooh!! Seven you look so handsome! (707)
Hi Jumin (*Jumin)
What a douche.
Selection 4
Don't mind it. (*707)
Next-to-be Chairman's Gap Moe has increased by 2. (707)
Selection 5
Wow! I'm amazed at your knowledge! (Jumin)
I don't know what it is, but it sounds difficult…
Selection 6
Seven, are you gap moe? (707)
Jumin, you're quite cute. (*Jumin)
Selection 7
I did.
I didn't receive it. (<<)
I don't know anything about it. (*707)
Selection 8
Trace it fast. (*707)
But.. Seven, don't you have enough work already? (707)
Selection 9
Good thinking ^^ (707)
Jumin, can't you just get my address and send me body guards? (*707)
Selection 10
I knew you were just words. (*707)
T_T… You just said you're ready to sacrifice yourself… You're not coming to save me? (707)
Selection 11
Alright… go. (707)
Good bye. (*)
Selection 12
Yes, I'm glad he seems to have cheered up. (707)
When are you leaving? (*Jumin)
Selection 13
Good! Oil is an important energy source! (Email from oil)
Selection 14
You really do understand cats! (Jumin)
A cat would't know things like that… lol (Jumin Break)
Selection 15
Yes, but if you are too close, it's easier to hurt one another
You're right. I think Yoosung also needs some help from his family. (Jumin)
Selection 16
Be careful~! Have a good flight. (Jumin)
Good bye. (<<)
10:22 – Spotlighted life isn't bad at all
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
Yo yo, wassup!! LOLOL warrior! (Yoosung)
Hello. (<<)
Selection 2
I always starve
Yes, I did. (Yoosung)
Selection 3
So jealous~ You must feel like a celebrity, haha. (Yoosung)
Stop being such a douche. (Yoosung Break)
Selection 4
Just ditch it! Hey, enjoy your life
Aren't you spending too much time gaming? I'm a bit worried. (Yoosung)
Selection 5
Maybe lololol
Maybe he's calling your professor?
Maybe he's calling the game addiction prevention center? (<<)
Selection 6
Omg… Bahoo lololol So old-school; (<<)
Yoosung, you're so cute. lolol (Yoosung)
Selection 7
Hmm… I don't think they'll make good guests
Let's do that! (Email from keyboard)
Selection 8
It's not good to be so obsessed with games… (<<)
Make a suggestions to the company lolol (Yoosung)
13:01 – Jaehee enjoying freedom
Character(s): Jaehee, Zen
Selection 1
Heya Zen. (Zen)
Hello, Jaehee. (Alt Selection)
Alt Selection
Not yet~
I had lunch to. (<<)
Selection 2
You should still do your work
lololololol Congratulations, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
I want Elizabeth to live with Jumin forever. (Jumin)
Did you say you saw Zen's DVD again last night? I'd like to hear your thoughts. (Zen)
Selection 5
It feels more suspicious since that whole hacker thing just happened a couple of days ago… (Jaehee)
I think it's just a spam email that everyone received. (<<)
Selection 6
I miss Jumin… When do you think he'll start the cat project? (Jumin)
I miss Seven… I wanna joke around. (707)
Selection 7
Good bye! (<<)
You must still have a lot of work, but I'm happy you seem more relaxed today. Good luck! (Jaehee)
Selection 8
I think it's a bit serious… Don't you think he needs help? (Zen)
He'll grown out of it~ haha (Yoosung)
Selection 9
lol (<<)
I pay my respect to your diligence, Zen. (Zen)
Selection 10
Bye, lovely Zen! (Zen)
Okay… Good bye. (<<)
14:39 – JUMIN!!!!!T_T
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
He's still older than you. Shouldn't you be a bit more respectful? (*Jumin)
Jumin Han!!! I wanna shout his name too lololol (707)
What's going on? (Yoosung)
Selection 2
What did Jumin tell your mom? (Yoosung)
Wow! You get to see your mom! Good for you ^^ (Jumin)
Selection 3
Oh! They seem like a nice group. Can we invite them to the party? (Email from hyoja)
lolololol There's a group like that?
Selection 4
I don't think Jumin will listen. He's in a plane. ^^ (Jumin)
Cheer up, Yoosung… Once you get through these hard times, LOLOL heaven will be waiting for you. (Yoosung)
Selection 5
Good bye… T_T (Yoosung)
lolol Finally you're cleaning your room. Bye~! (Jumin)
16:04 – The sender of the email
Character(s): 707, Zen
Selection 1
Hello Zen. I hope the day finds you well. (*Zen)
Heya God Seven (707)
Selection 2
I'm not really interested in Yoosung. (*)
I can't believe Mrs. Kim is going to go see him! I'm getting more nervous lol (707)
Jumin… What in the world did he do?; (*Zen)
Selection 3
Hahaha, well whatever happens, I'm having fun ^^ I want some popcorn (707)
I do think he was nosy to have called his mother without getting his permission first. (707)
He was simply worried. Yoosung did have a horrible lifestyle these days. (*Jumin)
Selection 4
I don't get your life either, Seven; (*707)
Let's not be too harsh on him haha (707)
Selection 5
It's just spam right? (*)
Wow you managed to find it so fast! You're such a genius God Seven! (707)
Selection 6
So you mean the hacker sent us that email!? (707)
What does that mean?; (*707)
Selection 7
Please let us know what you know, Seven. (*707)
How are you going to make sure I'm safe? (707)
Selection 8
So I'm still the one in most danger. (*707)
Seven, aren't you without a bodyguard too? Are you okay? (707)
Selection 9
You might become antisocial like that…(*)
Let's go out for some fresh air together once this ends ^^ (707)
Selection 10
Won't it be too dangerous? (707)
Yes, that's the least you could do. (*707)
Selection 11
I'll go with you!! You can't go there alone! (707)
It sounds dangerous, so you should plan everything out and go by yourself. (*707)
Zen, you can go with him! Two men will be better than one. (*Zen)
Selection 12
You know you have to plan everything, right? Don't make any mistakes. (*707)
Don't strain yourself, Seven… Bye. (707)
Selection 13
If it's going to be dangerous, he should just go there alone; (*707)
I think so too. Everything will work out if we work together… (707 + Zen)
Selection 14
I wish he'd just tell me everything… I'm worried about him too. (707)
Okay, go clear your head. (*Zen)
17:55 – Unexpected fact
Character(s): Jaehee
Selection 1
I think this is good for him. lol (Jumin)
Jaehee… Hello! (Jaehee)
Selection 2
Don't you think he seduced her with this smooth words? (<<)
Probably exactly what's going on? haha (Jumin)
Selection 3
Why not!? Try it. I want to watch and eat popcorn. (<<)
Yup. You have to keep your job, haha. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
I'm worried about my safety. (*707)
Yes… I'm shocked that someone is after us. (Jaehee)
I'm more worried about Seven. I think he wants to take care of everything himself… (707)
Selection 5
Yes, please left Jumin know of the gravity of the situation. (Jaehee)
Alright. Good bye
19:19 – Family reunion
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
Did your mother get there? (Yoosung)
Just be a man. (*)
Don't cry, my baby… (<<)
Selection 2
I'm sure Jumin had good intentions. (*Yoosung)
Wat? Omg, I need to bring my popcorn. (Yoosung)
Selection 3
Bu-but think of it positively… You get to live a better lifestyle now. (Jumin)
I guess you didn't… (*Yoosung)
Selection 4
lololol That's how much you want to escape. (Yoosung)
Wouldn't it be better for me to go…? It could be dangerous. (*707)
Selection 5
A month…? (*Yoosung Break)
She'll just stay for a couple of days ^^; Moms always carry around a lot of stuff. (Yoosung)
Selection 6
Cinderella Yoosung lolol (*Yoosung)
OMG lololol So cute lololol I want to be your stepmother. (<<)
Selection 7
… Just do your best studying. (*)
I pray that you can escape…! (Yoosung)
21:00 – It was for Yoosung
Character(s): Jumin, Zen
Selection 1
Mr. Han, how is your five star hotel? (*Jumin)
I'm not worried… What happened with you calling Mrs. Kim? (Yoosung)
Selection 2
I don't think it's the time for you to talk about that right now, Jumin. (<<)
Heya Zen… (*)
Selection 3
Why the hell did you call Yoosung's mom? (Zen)
I can imagine you looking at the beautiful desert with Elizabeth in your arms drinking wine. (*Jumin)
Selection 4
The two don't go together at all haha (Zen)
Hmm… I think Jumin is right. Independence and parents… it makes sense! (*Jumin)
Selection 5
I admit that your intentions are good, Jumin! (Jumin)
Not all families have tight bonds. (*Zen)
Selection 6
I can almost hear Jaehee yelling at us to change the subject. (Jaehee)
Oh! Good idea! (*Jumin)
Selection 7
I think you should talk to Yoosung soon, Jumin~ (Jumin)
Haha, he won't get it. Let's just stop here. (*Jumin Break)
Selection 8
If it's the same group.. then they really are after the information. (707)
Jumin, you're way better than Seven. (*707)
Selection 9
You don't think Seven is secretly talking to him, do you? (*707)
It really is. He has to know about this asap… (<<)
Selection 10
I'm jealous that he gets to travel. (*)
He hurt his eyes? (<<)
Selection 11
I guess V has his own doctor…
Then why don't we invite him to the party? (Email from doclee)
Selection 12
Are you there for work or pleasure? (<<)
Wow! Have fun. (*Jumin)
Selection 13
Since no one can be cooler than Zen ^^ (*Zen)
Yes, a bit; (Jumin)
Selection 14
Censorship, please. Photos of you that are overly handsome are bad for my health! >_< (*Zen)
Hurry and check, haha. Don't worry too much though. I'm sure they are all nice photos. (707)
22:59 – Actually I…
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
Finally, you're here. (*)
Yes! Seven, I was waiting for you~ (707)
Selection 2
What if something happens? (*707)
I'm fine. I'm sure you have no choice. Did you talk to V yet…? (707)
Selection 3
Of course it should be like that. (*707)
You're trying this hard. There's no way that the members will be harmed. Don't worry. (707)
Selection 4
Something bad? I hope that never happens. (*707)
I trust nothing bad will happen… but I want to know what you do. (707)
Selection 5
I suppose I should keep my distance from you then. (*707)
That's… that's so sad. We can even be friends? (707)
Selection 6
Seven, think about yourself too, not just me. The more dangerous things are let's stop being so sad. (707)
I would have never joined if I knew things would be like this… (*707)
Selection 7
I don't regret getting to know you, Seven! Even if you do dangerous things! (707)
Please just take care of it. (*707)
Selection 8
Seven… you're talking about the agency, right? Are you really okay… working there? (707)
What are you talking about? Of course you have to take care of the hacker first! (*707)
Selection 9
Okay, don't worry. I'll be fine. (707)
Won't it be too late once I realize something strange is going on? (*707)
Selection 10
Don't feel so much pressure, and just take care of everything one by one! Be careful, Seven. Thank you for protecting me. (707)
Just go and work. (*707)
Thank you for reading «Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: 707 ~ Day 6» on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
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