Walkthrough Mystic Messenger: Zen ~ Day 8

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Full walkthrough, Mystic Messenger ~ Zen ~ Day 8 (Ryu Hyun, Casual Story)
Walkthrough ~ Zen ~ Day 8
01:48 – The power of RFA apps!
Character(s): 707
Selection 1
Heya Seven (707)
I just saw something strange…? (Alt Selection)
Alt Selection
I saw some weird text— I'm telling the truth. (<<)
I wanna dream about Zen~
Selection 2
Yup, you're such a genius. lol (707)
My babe's love is so ginormous it just oozes out of the messenger… (Zen)
I am so grateful that you created this app so that I can be with Zen. (Zen)
Selection 3
Mmm. invent a similar one! And publish it! (707)
What about what you do?
Selection 4
I think it's a good idea. lol (707)
Do you even have time to make one? (707)
Selection 5
Do you think Jumin will buy a car too? (Jumin)
I'm Zen's lovable baby. (Zen)
I'm impressed by how much you care about the environment. (707)
Selection 6
Create it with your love of cars. (707)
I guess no one in the RFA can create it then. (707? Break)
The I guess you can't create one… I think Zen will be able to since he knows love ^^ (Zen)
Selection 7
Religious.. haha
Do you go to church often? (707)
I'm ready to religiously devote my body and soul to Zen. (Zen)
Selection 8
God bless you. (707)
I'm make sure to protect it with all I have. Good bye ^^ (Zen)
03:15 – Zen's new work
Character(s): Yoosung, Zen
Selection 1
I'm hungry for Zen… (Zen)
I'm hungry… (Yoosung)
I'm sleepy
Selection 2
What are you going to have? (<<)
Give some to me lolol (Yoosung)
Selection 3
Why don't we invite them to the party? (Email from oneroomer)
I'm not really interested.
Selection 4
Zen you're making me all hot and bothered. (Zen)
Zen~ Hello. (Zen + Alt Selection)
Alt Selection
I don't really sleep at night.
I can't sleep thinking of you. (<<)
Selection 5
You want to focus more on your relationship with me? (*Zen)
What?? Why? (<<)
Selection 6
That's good. I didn't like her anyways~ I guess you can focus just on me now. (*Zen)
Did something happen with Echo Girl? (Zen)
Selection 7
How dare Echo Girl hit on my man~! (*Zen)
I see… It must have been tough, Zen… (Zen)
Selection 8
Is that what's important right now? This won't do, I'll have to protect you from now on. (*Zen)
I hope Echo Girl doesn't do anything to hurt you… I'm worried this might somehow effect you. (Zen)
Selection 9
It wasn't an opportunity that came because of your talent… I think it's best to just forget about it. (Zen)
I never liked you working with Echo Girl! This is good! Zen is mine! (*Zen)
Selection 10
Don't say that. You made it because you're talented, not just because you're handsome. (Zen)
You only nee to act for me~ (*Zen)
Selection 11
Here is one of those fangirls hooked onto that magic. (Zen)
Don't know if you're that good looking. (*Zen Break)
Selection 12
Who dares to put a filter over your face~! Nope. You look best in your natural state. (Zen)
Selection 13
Think his app is just acting weird. (Zen)
Think he went to game. (Yoosung)
Selection 14
Take me with you Zenny~ (*Zen)
You really are okay, right? (Zen)
08:24 – Words for you two
Character(s): Jaehee
Selection 1
Everything of Zen you see in that beautiful photo is mine. (*Zen)
Nice comparison, bravo (Jaehee + Zen)
Selection 2
…You're not being jealous of me and Zen, are you? (*Zen)
I'm sure Zen will do well. (Zen)
Selection 3
No need to be careful. (Jaehee + Zen)
You're not trying to interfere our relationship again, are you? (*Zen + Jaehee Break)
Selection 4
You're trying to interfere again. (*Jaehee Break)
I understand your worry… but please don't say that as if it's so easy to withhold emotions. (Zen)
Selection 5
Do you want Zen to be an actor who's not honest with his fans? (Zen)
I have no intentions to hide our relationship. (*Zen)
Selection 6
Thank you for your concern, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
I honestly wish you'd stop bothering us about it. (*Zen + Jaehee Break)
Selection 7
Jaehee, thank you for what you said… I won't change my feelings… but have a nice day~! (Jaehee)
10:36 – Misplaced Pen
Character(s): Jumin, Zen
Selection 1
Zenny Zen! I'm here >_< (*Zen)
Zen, I'm here~ (Zen)
What pen, Jumin? (*Jumin)
Selection 2
Yup, he's in the rich class. (Zen)
Zenny, I want that. (*Zen)
It looks very luxurious. (*Jumin)
Selection 3
Be understanding Zen ^^ Just as you were handsome from birth, Jumin doesn't have any choice in that matter. (Zen)
[Name] wants that pen~~ Get that pen for [Name], Zenny~~ (*Zen)
Selection 4
Jumin, Zen is officially giving you an apology. Why don't you accept it? (Jumin)
Why are you apologizing T_T You did nothing wrong. (*Zen)
Selection 5
I don't like that you're losing… (*Zen)
Jumin, okay? ^^ (Zen)
Selection 6
Be careful, darling~ (Zen)
Okay, I will ^^
Selection 7
Did she have something against Zen? That's not good… (Zen)
Don't worry about that strange woman, Zenny. (*Zen)
Selection 8
I'm sure she was just bluffing. I hope she doesn't bother my Zenny. Hmph! (*Zen)
What do you think she means by revenge? I'm getting nervous… (Zen)
Selection 9
You only need me though, right? If so, then I'm okay with anything~ (*Zen)
So you really can't do that new role… (Zen)
Selection 10
Yes, I hope so. Have a safe trip to the hospital. (Zen)
I don't care if you don't do anything… I only need you. (*Zen)
Selection 11
Muah (Zen)
Selection 12
Are you going to keep looking for your pen?
Do you feel better about Zen now? (Jumin)
Selection 13
Why don't you have someone else help you? (<<)
Should I help you look for it? (Zen BREAK)
12:51 – Old party
Character(s): Yoosung, 707
Selection 1
Seven, meow~ (???)
Hey Yoosung~ (Yoosung)
Selection 2
I'm worried about Zen… (Zen)
I support Echo Girl!! (Zen Break)
Selection 3
Seven… you're not personally interested in Echo Girl are you?
What did you find? (707)
Selection 4
… You're just trying to scare us, right? (707)
Re… Really?! (Yoosung)
Selection 5
Is that a computer part? (Yoosung)
That's so random… (<<)
I know what that is. (707)
Selection 6
… You cleaned up? (Yoosung)
Was something saved in there? (707)
Selection 7
That disc… did someone git it to you as a gift?
I'm so curious to know what's saved in there. (707)
Selection 8
That's a cool group.
Should we invite that group to the party? (Email from floppy)
Selection 9
Everyone misses the past. (Yoosung)
I wonder what Seven's past is like. (707)
Selection 10
I see… Well, RFA is a private organization anyways. Won't it be fine amongst us? (707)
Is it okay for you to tell us your secrets then?
Selection 11
I'm so excited… (???)
omg… That soon? (707)
Selection 12
Did you hear anything from V? (Yoosung)
The party… I'll try my best to make it fantastic ^^ (707)
Selection 13
Let's not invite cats~ Zen's allergic. (Zen + Alt Selection)
To be honest, the party's great and all, but I just want to meet Zen and officially start dating him. (*Zen)
Alt Selection
You guys are so mean~ (Zen)
Show us the photo lolololol (Get photo from Seven)
Selection 14
Personally, I don't want Zen to be friends with anyone else. I just want him to take care of me. (*Zen)
I hope they become better friends from now on ^^ (Zen)
Selection 15
Seven, good luck with work! (707?)
Yoosung, have a productive time at school. (Yoosung)
15:02 – Jaehee's online
Character(s): Jaehee, Jumin
Selection 1
Jumin's here too (Jumin)
Jaehee, hello~ (Jaehee)
Selection 2
I think he went for a stroll. (Jumin)
Are you both at the office?
Selection 3
Did something happen? (Jaehee)
Jumin, are you okay? (Jumin)
Selection 4
Jumin, are you okay? (Jumin)
Regardless, I think it was rude of you to do that in front of your father. (Jaehee)
Selection 5
Does your father have a new girlfriend? That's a bit shocking. (Jumin)
Jumin… I feel like you're being childish to ask Jaehee that. (Jaehee)
Selection 6
I think they're back to being friends (Zen)
Jumin, you should have apologized to my Zenny, since you made him hurt his leg.(*Zen)
Selection 7
Is that… a compliment? Thank you. (Jumin)
I feel like your evaluating Zen, Jumin. It seems a bit arrogant~ (Jaehee)
Selection 8
Jumin, can I ask you what happened with Echo Girl this morning? (Zen)
Of course I have to be wise. I'm the love of his life~ Jaehee, take your eyes off Zen from now on. (*Zen)
Selection 9
I hope nothing bad happens… I'm worried. (Zen)
I'm sure it's nothing. Zen will be mine no matter what happens~(*Zen)
Selection 10
Jaehee.. I'm sure it's stressful to work on all those cat projects. (Jaehee)
I hope you find someone nice. (Jumin)
Selection 11
I wanna talk with my Zenny…! Right now!! )*Zen)
Jeahee, hang in there. (Jaehee)
I can't stop thinking about Echo Girl. You don't think she'll hurt Zen, do you? (Zen)
Selection 12
Good bye.
Bye, Jaehee~ (Jaehee)
16:27 – My family said…
Character(s): Zen
Selection 1
Congrats, Zen. (Zen.)
I'm so glad your leg is better. Now you can come to me, right? (Zen)
Selection 2
Don't work all the time and give me some love~!! (*Zen)
I'll look forward to seeing you give your all (Zen)
Selection 3
No they don't. You cleanse my life. (Zen)
Hell no to narcissism. (*Zen Break)
lolol Everyone knows my main's handsome~ But Zenny is mine! heart (*Zen)
Selection 4
omg… what's wrong with your parents??? Were the jealous? (*Zen)
Oh now… Wasn't that hurtful? (Zen)
I guess they wanted you to study hard. (Zen)
Selection 5
I'm glad that you're opening up about your family… (Zen)
Just forget about your family… and focus on me, Zenny. (*Zen)
Selection 6
That's… so sad. (Zen)
Just forget about your past, Zenny!! (*Zen)
I guess you weren't really good back then. (*Zen Break?)
Selection 7
It's all too late now~ (*Zen)
Thank you for telling me. You worked hard to be an actor… I truly believe that. (Zen)
Selection 8
Go and take it (Zen)
Don't take that call and hang with me longer, Zenny~ (*Zen + Alt Selection)
Alt Selection
Hmph… alright…
No no no!! (*Zen)
18:53 – The meaning of families
Character(s): Yoosung
Selection 1
I'm worried about Zen being too handsome… People are asking for his number all the time… (Zen)
Yoosung~ Hi (Yoosung.)
Selection 2
Yoosung. If you're jealous, just say so (Zen)
I think you're handsome too. (*Yoosung)
Selection 3
Zen doesn't need to go to a clinic for his narcissism lol Don't think we need ot invite them
I think it will be fun. Let's invite them~ (Email from narcissist)
Selection 4
I was happy to Zen open up. (Zen)
I was surprised; I want him to forget about his parents now. (*Zen)
Selection 5
Are your parents conservative, Yoosung? (*Yoosung)
Don't think you know everything about Zen! I know Zen best. (Zen)
Selection 6
I think we're going off topic haha (Zen)
Just accept that you're a forever alone. (Yoosung Break)
Selection 7
Love is stronger than blood. I don't want to lose Zenny to family. (*Zen)
I'd like to support Zen if he ever gathers the courage (Zen)
Selection 8
Do you think his talent… comes from his family too? (Yoosung)
Zen doesn't own anything to anyone! His parent have nothing to do with it. (*Zen)
I'm curious of what our children would look like heart (Zen)
Selection 9
It was fun talking to you. Have fune (Yoosung)
Go ahead. Bye.
20:18 – It's over
Character(s): 707, Zen
Selection 1
Echo Girl!!!!! I can't forgive her!!!! (*Zen)
Zen… Are you okay!? (Zen)
Selection 2
Zen… first try to calm down. Don't let the media get to you! (Zen)
Seven! Can't we find her address!? I have to go there. (*Zen)
Selection 3
Echo Girl's the one who did something wrong by lying… Please don't let it get to you. (Zen)
Zen… Nothing really happened with Echo Girl, right!? Tell me the truth. (*Zen)
Selection 4
Don't ever be on the news with a celebrity again!! I have to protect you. (*Zen)
I can't believe they're using you like this… I'm so mad, but I know this is hardest for you Zen. (Zen)
Selection 5
I'm just worried that you'll get hurt… I honestly just want you to quit acting. (*Zen)
You did nothing wrong… No actor would have turned down and opportunity like that. You know that. (707 + Zen)
Selection 6
Zen… I think you're too emotional right now. Firt… try to calm down, and let's al try to come up with a solution. (Zen)
Just retire… and live a happy life with me. I mean it. (*Zen)
Selection 7
Tell me if something happens, okay? (Zen)
I'm always ready to run away with you, Zen ^^ (*Zen)
Selection 8
Do you think Echo Girl has the media in her hands? (Zen)
Just stay still. He'll keep running away and spend more time with me now. (*Zen)
Selection 9
Hmm… Is there anything we can do? (Zen + 707)
Don't waste the money and please just let Zen and I be happy alone together. (*Zen)
Selection 10
I don't know what you're thinking about… but please take care of everything for Zen (Zen + 707)
No matter what happens, Zen and I are going to run away together~ (*Zen)
22:00 – People talk but…
Character(s): Jaehee
Selection 1
How's Jumin doing? (Jumin)
I'm worried about Zen… (Zen)
Selection 2
You don't think Jumin's really gay do you…? (Jumin Break)
Jumin is quite powerful already… but Zen is just an actor. I'm worried. (Zen)
Selection 3
That's so unfair… Zen did nothing wrong… (Zen)
People with power and money always win. It might be best for Zen to retire. (*Zen)
Selection 4
Does his performance reminds you a lot of things that happened in your life…? (Jaehee)
I just want him to use that energy only on me. I don't want anyone else to see it. (*Zen)
He always worked hard and never relied on anyone else. There's so much to learn from him…! (Zen)
Selection 5
I think the fans will ignore Zen now. (*Zen)
If they are true fans… they will think carefully about this and support him. (Zen)
He shouldn't care about what the public thinks and just walk his path. (Jaehee)
Selection 6
That sounds good. Let's invite them. (Email from badcomment)
I don't think they'll help at the moment…
Selection 7
Thanks, Jaehee… Bye. (Jaehee)
I'll take care of it. Bye.
23:12 – Jumin's advice
Character(s): Zen, Jumin
Selection 1
Zen, how are you feeling? (Zen)
Jumin's here. (*Jumin)
Selection 2
What are you talking about? (Zen)
Jumin, how could you be so calm? (*Jumin)
Selection 3
Zen… you're not searching yourself online, are you? (Zen)
Who's been talking? (*Jumin)
Selection 4
Yeah! Zen is very sensitive!! (*Zen)
Zen… it's hard now but I'm sure you'll get over it soon. (Zen)
Jumin, you're so cool (*Zen Break)
Selection 5
You know now… so stop. I'm here for you. (*Zen)
Zen, don't say that! (Zen)
Selection 6
It's easier to just give up ^^ (*Zen)
This isn't so black and white… You have your talent to back you up. (Zen)
People who are born with money are easy to succeed. (*Zen Break)
Selection 7
You're just going through a rough time. Go and try to get yourself together. (Zen)
Just get some rest and think hard about just giving up and living with me. (*Zen)
Selection 8
I guess you're gonna receive more hate from him now. (*Jumin)
You're worried right…? Me too. (Zen)
Selection 9
Considering Zen's job… it can be quite damaging. Zen's dream is to be an actor. (Zen)
I feel so bad to see him struggle like this. I hope he just quits now. (*Zen)
Selection 10
Bye, Jumin. (<<)
Good night~ (*Jumin)
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I hope you enjoyed this story and am grateful for your support ^_~
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